The inkwellprompt #19 | Tea TreeHouse


"What a day." Simon sighs.

He immediately went outside of their office after work. He feels exhausted for a whole day of fixing the new program of their proposals. He's a computer engineer and he's in charge of technical concerns.

He slowly stretches his arms and neck walking towards his house. It's not that far but approximately 5 km from his office. He decided to walk to have cool air and relax. Watching the surroundings and letting his mind be entertained by what's happening around him.

He sat on a bench quite a distance from the road. He saw a lot of trees surrounding it and he thought it would be nice to stay for a bit. He checked the time and it's too early. Looking from a different angle and just nothing. He just wants to kill time.

He enjoys watching the children playing. He unexpectedly smiles while watching them. He flicked his eyes and the children were gone. He looked at the back and still he couldn't find them. He was curious. He decided to stand up and search for them.

Looking at the surroundings carefully no sign of children can be found. He concluded to go back where he was seated. Surprisingly, he's lost. That bench was gone and he's like the inside of a forest.

"What's going on?" He asked himself.

He didn't move and just kept turning around where he should take his feet to go through. Not knowing what to do, a young boy appeared in front.

"Are you looking for that Tea TreeHouse, Mister?"

He didn't know what this boy was talking about. In his mind, he wanted to go back where he came from. He's thinking that maybe a lot of people will be there at that place he can ask.

"Yes," he answered, "will you take me there?"

"Sure, Mister."

The boy brought him to that place and when they entered he's shocked at what he just saw. From the outside, it's just a small tree but inside it's like a City of New York. He went outside again to check the tree. Still, nothing changes from what he saw.

"What kind of tea do you like, Sir? Soothing, stress-relieving, exhaustion remover,-"

A pretty lady approached him. He noticed that the lady offering him tea is like what a human individual feels. He still couldn't catch what's going on right now. He didn't know what type of tea he was going to choose.

"Okay, from what your appearance tells me. I suggest you should take this soothing tea."

He just nodded with a glimpse.

"While waiting sir, let me take you to a place you can sit first."

Again, he's wondering what the place is. Are there other places he needs to go? He's full of confusion and doesn't understand what's going on right now.

"Here we are, sir."

He saw but just a simple chair and a table not far from the counter.


"This place is ridi--"

He stopped what he wanted to say. The time he seated on that chair the view changed. He sees a white sand beach inside on a small island. At the back of him is a forest and it provides nice air. He inhales and exhales because the wind is very comforting. But what he loves the most is the sea along the shore. He wanted to feel the sand under that seawater. He stood up but disappointedly the view was gone. He was just surprised when the lady glimpse.

"Here's your order, Sir."

He sits back and just enjoys the view. He sipped the tea that was served. He just smiled because it's really true that the tea is very soothing. He can't explain the tastes because it went directly into his thoughts. He just gives him an amazing feeling.

He sipped for another.

He placed the cup on the table and expanded his two arms while facing above.

"It feels like paradise," he says.

He enjoys the time being there. He forgot everything and focuses on what he feels right now. He needs it. He knows it himself. He's working 24/7 because he wants to keep himself busy. He diverted his thoughts to forget what had happened not long ago.

"Why will you leave me, Marie? Why did you choose to be with Samy instead of me?"

Questions from Simon while begging. Tears are now falling because they've been together for 2 years and this is what will happen.

"Tell me please Marie. I want to know so that I can make up with you and you will decide to stay with me."

Desperate words from who is in love so much.

"Okay, if you want to know that badly."

The way Marie talks to Simon is like nothing she feels towards him. Simon feels that pitied himself more but still forced her to stay.

"Samy has a good salary and a nice job. He has his own house and cars. Compared to you? You have nothing Simon. Love enough will not make a woman stay."

Simon just nods because what Marie told him was true. It might be painful for him to accept it but that's the reality.

"Okay," he says and lets Marie go even though his tears are drowning him.


That break-up reminded him how he should work so hard to have a good salary. He pushed himself to his limit and forgot his happiness. All in his mind was to earn more money and to have a good job. He promised himself not to feel broken again because of not being a rich person.

"Just let them be," he says himself after remembering what happened to the past.

The Tea TreeHouse not just makes him relax but also opens his thoughts. Money itself is not the reason for someone to be happy. Love doesn't need money to make it work. It's the feeling of the two people who understand each other and love each other. Love is a feeling and it's not a material thing. It's impossible that money will be involved if two people are in love.

He thinks clearly now that his mind has relaxed. He can identify himself as being happy because there is no more stress and no more things to think about.

He opened his eyes and he found himself at the bench again. In his right hand, there's a small piece of paper. He opened it and read it.

"You're happy now. Don't stress yourself by thinking too much. Don't focus on one thing because there are many things you can do to make yourself happy."

"P.S. Tea TreeHouse"



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