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The List Of Names On the Wall.


Sanjay and Debbie bought a new house in the best part of town. It had been their dream since they got married 5 years ago.

They both shared duties when they were about moving in. Debbie was in charge of painting and reconstruction of the walls, while her husband Sanjay was in charge of furniture arrangement. The last owner loved wallpapers because every part of the house was covered with it. Debbie hated the one in the sitting room. It had a very dull and ugly color, so she decided to pull everything out.

She had an idea of an all white sitting room,with a massive golden chandelier. It was fun ripping out the wallpapers, it was like peeling the back of a mango or yam. While peeling them out, Debbie noticed something strange on one section of the wall. They were writing on it and it looked like a list of names. Out of shock and surprise Debbie called her husband to take a look, but he just laughed saying it could be the hand work of a child. Something deep down told Debbie that those names meant something, but she also decided to throw the thought away.

That night when they both got home, Debbie sat in the toilet using her phone when the idea of looking up one of the names she saw on the wall popped in her head. She remembered one James Miller, and she searched the name on the internet. The results showed that Mr James Miller, a 24 year old college student who was from that town, was missing for about 3 years now. The police had even closed off the investigation because there were no leads. That was strange Debbie thought. So when she got out of the toilet she confronted her husband again, this time she showed him what she found on the internet. " That's strange!, we need to call the police immediately".

After about twenty minutes the police met them at the front of their new house, Debbie and her husband waited for them there. When the police finally came they sealed off the house and searched all the rooms for clues. They examined and ran a check on all the names written on the wall and they found out that all of them were missing people. They immediately declared the house a crime zone and warned Sanjay and Debbie not to return till the investigation was concluded.

That night Sanjay slept holding Debbie tight. They were both scared about what would happen next.

The next morning was a very pretty one. The sun shone brightly from the skies. Debbie woke up late, as she wasn't going to work. But she was alone in the house, Sanjay was nowhere to be found. She panicked but she decided to keep her cool, he could have gone to the store to get something, she thought. But after about 6 hours, Sanjay didn't return, in fact his cell phone wasn't going through. Debbie decided to take a drive and search for him.

She searched for hours till she was sure he was missing. Then she went to the police. They told her to calm down that a search will be conducted after 24 hours, but Debbie wanted to hear nothing of that. She decided to search for him on her own. She drove around town till about midnight, then a strange thought came to her head. She decided to visit their new house.

When she got there she saw her husband's car parked in front. " What will he be doing here?"she thought. She parked her car and got inside. Debbie searched every single room but Sanjay was nowhere to be found. She was so confused. Tears rolled down her eyes as she walked towards the wall of names, and there it was, her husband's full name, MR SANJAY JOHNSON.

The End.


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