I've had Enough!

The sound of pots clanging, hurried footsteps rushing to have their baths, voices whispering and people shouting abruptly woke me up from my short and insufficient sleep. One would think that I'd be used to this unwelcomed scenerio by now but everytime it happens, my whole body cringes in anger. I wish i could make everyone disappear to an alternate universe and then i could exist alone. I wish i could move to an alternate universe where i could at least sleep till dawn. Sadly, i was stuck with this reality. A reality where I'm trapped in a room with 7 other girls, in a compound housing hundreds of girls.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Hall 2. My hostel, in the university.

A day that starts out like this, with a cranky demeanor and a sleep deprived human is expected to go south and that was exactly how it went.

I had just been rearranging my bed sheet over my head to re-enter my sleep realm. Infact the vehicle that conveyed people to that realm was already at the foot of my bed and i about to hop in just when my phone rang and brough me back to earth. Temi's voice almost damaged my ears through the phone but i survived.

"Why will Matthew fix a class for 8am and tell us about it this morning" she screamed in anger.

I was shocked, confused and surprised at the same time. I was the assistant class rep and i was not privy to any fixed class. I was so shocked that Temi could sense my confusion from the phone because her next statement was "oh, you don't even know about the class yet". I was going to crucify Matthew. How dare je not even liase with me before making such a decision? Who did he think he was? Infact, who did they all think they were? First they interrupt my sleep and mow this! I went on ranting in my head while Temi kept shouting on her end of the phone.

After talking and calming her down for a few minutes, the call ended and checking the time, i realized that i had only 1hour before class.

In less that 3 minutes, i was among the people clanging pots and racing to bathe. Class was normally supposed to start by 12pm today. The plan was to sleep for 3 hrs but there i was, walking to class, AFM 314.

The class was not so bad. Dr. Dele Akanji was a good teacher but sadly, i was too pissed to be pleased about anything. There i just sat in the front row. Taking notes in anger and earnestly watching the clock for his 2 hours to roll away quickly. Finally, it was the end of his class and Dr. Akanji announced to see the class rep and assistant as he was about to leave.

Ah, there was my 2 hours i had planned to use judiciously before the next class about to be stolen Dr. Akanji. I was furious once again.

His office was not so bad. I appreciate the AC he had on, chilling my anger away slowly.

As he sat there from across us, i took in his features. He was quite young, seemed like someone in his late forties. He had quite a good fashion sense because i liked the cream Tshirt he had on, which complemeted his cream sneakers. Either his fashion sense was okay or that of his wife was, becuase his right hand showcased a ring lying quietly there.

"What are your names?" His shrill voice asked.

Matthew answered first after which i did. We both wondered why he wanted to see us.

"That's a very beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Dr. Akanji said next ignoring matthew. A little perplexed and taken off guard i managed to respond with a "thank you sir". I had thought it would end there but the next remark from the Dr. Shocked me even more.

"Agbani! ( this is a Nigerian slang often used to refer to slim people). You have a very nice shape oo. I'm sure all the boys are fighting over you".

Now i was statued and beyond startley. I didn't know what to do or how to respond to him. A part of me wanted to fight him, tell him how inappropriate this conversation was in the rudest manner possible. The other part wanted to just flee, run, disappear and never be within hearing distance with this man ever again.

Sadly, none of these happened because there i was sitting passively, while Dr Akanji continued to treat me like a very pretty object in the room that was his to admire. I was just happy that i wasn't there alone. I dread to think what could have transpired.

1 hour had passed and he was still talking. Matthew was already tired, i myself was beyond bored and tired but we continued to indulge him. We could not leave for fear of him witch hunting us, so there we sat in agony.

Soon our angel in human form arrived or so i had thought. A gentle tap on the door filtered into my ears, followed by a twisting sound of the door knob. A dark young man who from my assessment was a student stood in the office. I guessed he was also the rep of his class.

"Good afternoon sir" he greeted. "Sir we have your course now in Lt 2".

"Is that so? I'll be there shortly" Dr Akanji responded.

Expecting that he would leave for class soon, i sighed a sigh of relief not knowing that he'd keep us for another 30mins. It was now he remembered he had not told us why he had called us and started talking about the term paper the class was to submit in a week.

I know hate is a strong word, but i hated him from that day onward. Walking out of his office seemed to fuel that flame more because he still made me carry his books to the class he was having next after wasting almost 2hours of my precious time. If you've ever had to fake a smile when you were boiling inside, you'd clearly understand how i felt having to walk with Dr Akanji to his class who continued his praise of my looks, physique and even my behind. Talk about a shameless man!

I was so happy to be back in my Lecture hall waiting for my next class. I was very hungry and tired but those were feelings I'd rather have than be trapped in a room filled with food with my nemesis Dr Akanji. Lectures ended by 4pm and i was eager to leave.

On my way out, a student came to me that i was being called. I'm sure you'd be able to guess who it was. You're right, it was Dr Akanji. My new found nemesis was calling me to his office for the second time today.

I sat there for some minutes thinking if i should report him to the authorities, run home and pretend like i never got the invite or just drop dead. Who'd even believe me? Running home was not an option too neither was death. I could not run and neither could i fight. I was powerless.

For weeks after Dr Akanji and i crossed paths, he called me to his office every chance he got to pretentiously acquire knowledge of class activities and the likes. He kept sending me signals that i remained oblivious to for months until he got tired and became a thorn in my flesh.

It was a fierce battle between us and people kept asking me what i did to offend him but i had nothing to say. I was sure i wasn't his only victim but i would be the worst he'd ever met. My questions in class were stupid to him and unanswered. My suggestions were always unheard and inconsiquential. It was like we were mortal enemies sworn to be against each other for life. It was either fight or Flight, and since i had no where to run to, fight it was.

I was ready to fight this battle to my last, even if it was the last thing i did.

All images are mine

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