Falling out of time - full story

(this picture I used is one of my own drawings and I feel like it went well with how I work as a writer. I write and I write untill everything is spiled out of my mind)

​Distant memory.
Fire crackled and around it a group of companions was rattling about their intentions
for the following summer. Most only got two weeks off their jobs.
''I gave up my resignation.'' Said River. Everybody went silent, like a guitar string
''Finally!'' Ava cried out and hugged her around the shoulder. ''So what's the plan ?''
Rivers eyes got caught up by the flames for a second, she knew her bags were
already standing by the door. ''Actually I'm leaving for Ireland tomorrow...''
After her friends got through the surprise part, questions followed. Young girl just
smiled shocked at for how long she kept it from everyone.

Dash looked into her eyes, knowing a part of him couldn't imagine her gone. ''You'll get bored, and the rain, isn't it morbid?''

It started pouring, River stepped outside, wickedly put on a half-smile and spined three times. ''I BETTER GET USED TO IT!''


​She went and when she got back she turned the page of her journal. Bunch of them were empty. She knew exactly why...

She promised herself she would write about every little detail, but while she was there, she just let go of herself and lived in a given moment.

Even if nothing was written down she was able to recall every day by the step.

Funny how memory works.

Images in her mind were so vivid she could write a book.

But somewhere in the back of her head there was this recollection, like a dream, but so weirdly vivid. She remembered it to well for it, to just be in her head.

A line from Harry Potter came to mind, Just because it's in your head, doesn’t mean it's not real. Rowling sure knew, what she was talking about.


It was just after she settled in her dorm. She knew the hostel from her first visit.

Galway was so amazing.

She desperately needed a shower.

River rushed through her suitcase to find a towel and her toiletry bag.

What will she wear?

She wished to show elegance, but her lady side wasn't found in dresses or shoes.

She knew that off course, and she had to work with what she packed.

Long soft carpet laid down the corridor which gave warm feeling to the space.

She walked down the hall to reach the bathing room. Turquoise green tiles were covering the floor, just how she remembered. She headed to the shower.

Hot water was pouring down her back.

What was her reason to come here?

Breakup? Her falling for this guy after?

If Knox hadn't given her the butterflies, she wouldn't listen to what he had to say.

She would listen, but would she hear? Would she go to Ireland, definitely not by herself.

She opened her shampoo bottle and it slipped, falling. How ironic! She said, while bending over to pick it up. ''Dropping soap while thinking of a man 2000 kilometres away.''

Knox made her forget about her bad vibes for the next 15 minutes.

Imagination is the key to everything, she mumbled while stepping out of the shower through a steam cloud.

Staring at her own reflection she was calm and smiling. Her eyes were sparkling from a moment she arrived.

''This is what i came for.''

River brushed her hair and let them rest on her shoulders. She only brought one pair of earrings and when she put them on she took a second to observe glittering crystal drops that dangled like blood drops along her fiery red hair. She applied her makeup softly. Zipping her satin black dress she returned a smile to herself in a mirror.

She was late again.

There she was. After two missed attempts at finding the opera house. Her hand was stuck in her purse searching for the ticket, while her eyes were looking around. It was like she was searching for a familiar face. Across the ocean, yea right. She walked straight to the open bar. ''Gin and tonic, please.'' She almost whispered, while still catching her breath. ''Do i make you nerves love?'' said a young man behind the counter, looking at her shaky hands, with half a smile on his narrow face.

She took a sip and shook her head. His chocolate brown eyes were glistening. His long brown hair were brushed in to a low ponytail. He was wearing a white shirt, unbuttoned at the top, revealing a strong neck full of strings and charms dangling down. Rolled up sleeves revealed a cherry blossom tattoo, that went up his strong tanned arm. A single ring in his left ear. Obviously staring for too long she turned on her heals and almost ran to the corridor where the main event was already starting, not noticing she forgot her jacket on the stool.

Show started.

''ÓróSé do BheathaBhaile...''

First verses send chills down her spine. She knew what it meant. ''Welcome home'' and she was.

The whole concert she set there like enchanted. It was mesmerising. Celtic tunes, that reminded her of the one bad thing about traveling alone. She had no one to share it with. For the first time in a week she was missing home.

When the show was over she was overwhelmed and with tears in her eyes she walked out to get air. She just grabbed her phone to call her cousin to hear a familiar voice, when she felt a light grab on her shoulder. ''You left your jacket Love.''

It was the bartender. His half smile was still there but disappeared when he saw her cracked face. ''Cad atácearr?'' She looked confused so he asked again. In English, this time. ''What's wrong?''

She smiled while wiping off her tears. ''Nothing, I kinda miss home, that's all.''

''Are you always this nosy?'' She gave him a sudden sullen look and went back to her phone. He was in sort of a shock, ''Sorry Lass!''. He turned and walked away.

She realised what a bitch she was and cried after him ''I'm sorry, I didn't mean that!''

He turned, ''I'm River, thanks for the jacket!'' she said. ''I'm Joyce, Rob Joyce.'' ''So, I guess I'll see you around Rob Joyce.'' She winked and turned, leaving without looking back. She knew how cool that was.

There was something about him. Something about him was oddly familiar, like she knew him from another time.

It might be why she didn't want him to see her as a snappy tourist.

Before bedtime she already packed for Aran islands. Little did she know about time being such a relative thing.

When she opened her eyes the next morning she still had time for a big breakfast.
Taking an apple for the road, her mind drew a picture of Pippin and Merry and their
dialogue about the second breakfast.
''Damn, i miss the Shire'' and by that she meant home.
Her cab was already waiting around the corner, so there was no time for a cigarette.
''Top o' the mornin to ya.'' Said a young woman with a lovely Irish accent, sitting
behind the wheel.
'' Where to?''
''Rossaveal port'' smiled River while putting in her headphones.

The driver seemed nice, but it was a bit early for a proper conversation.
The girl just nodded in a back mirror, as if she understood and hit the road.
While driving through the villages of Galway bay River was mesmerised, listening
the enchanted forest tunes playlist her best friend made her. She was searching for
fairies and pixies in every stone hidden in the emerald fields passing by.

They made a stop at this little cafe, well more of a tea shop really, in the middle of
Renmore. ''Want some coffee?'' a freckled face turned in her direction ''We still have plenty of time.''
River didn't hear her through the Celtic singing, for a moment it seemed like the
driver was singing at her too.
''Sorry?'' she took out her headphones.
''Coffee, we've got time?''
They stepped out of the old Volvo, stretched their legs and walked towards this cute little coffee shop. ''The full duck cafe'' it was called. River's eye caught a big red
wooden showcase full of sweets. Carrot, lemon, coffee cake, chocolate cake, apple
pie, muffins, cranberry scones... Her mouth became watery.
''Lindsey, long time no see!''
The barista still had tired eyes, but there was that glimmer that gave away her good heart. River drank the aroma of the place, it gave her a chance to rest a moment longer.

So you're Lindsey, sorry for not talking, I'm really not a morning person. Want a
muffin, it's my treat, for being such a fuss.

It's alright darling, I can see right through you stargazer. And I won't say no to a
peace of that lemon cake.
River looked at the old lady behind the counter and asked for a cup of earl grey, her
driver got the usual, coffee, black, no sugar.

''A piece of apple pie and one lemon cake, if you'd be so kind.''
''Coming right up, America.''
The girl didn't have a heart to correct her, so she just smiled and thanked her.
They set at the corner table by the window, the raindrops were clinging like jewels
along the glass.
''No sugar, how sweet your life must be'' River pointed out during a polite small talk.
A young Irish woman started laughing ''You could say that, but I can guarantee this cake will be!'' while taking a bite, and losing a piece of cream on her blouse.

''Shit!'' At that moment River saw Linds like a mirror. She was as clumsy as her as well. ''Welcome to my world.'' she said while offering her a napkin.
After they had their elevensies, as River imagined it, they took off.

Oh the ocean. Opening up a window when they were approaching the port, they
both had that pleased look on their faces. When River took the bag out of the trunk,
the girl looked at her bug-eyed as if she knew something.

''See you when you return back in to the future.'' With a sly smile on her face,
assuring her to wait right there when her ferry arrives from the island.
River did read about the Aran, knowing they were a bit behind time. She couldn't wait to ride that horse along the cliffs. She hugged her driver and thanked her for
everything. ''Here's a little extra for your kindness.'' At first the girl refused but it
was only to be polite. She waved her farewell while the young traveller was already running towards the pier to catch her boat.

''Grace'' the name was written in artfully green script over the right side of the boat.
Rivers first thought was the great Grace O'Malley. It must be named after her, after
all she was the pirate queen of Ireland.
River was the first in line. She had to be, to get the seat right along the deck, to have
as much view as possible. The boat was an old-timer, but only to look at, the engine
was new, you could tell by the sound of its roar when it came to life.
Wooden planks were wet and slippery. As much as she was looking forward to her
island tour that gave her a sort of discomfort.
The vessel was all set and left the shores of Galway bay. After a while there was
nothing else than the ocean. The salty breeze on her cheeks and smell of seaweed in
her nostrils were like a song for her soul. The waves were high and crashing to the
sides of Grace.

River closed her eyes and breath in the Atlantic when she was aroused by a child's
voice. ''Dolphins, look mom, dolphins!''
She dropped her thoughts and ran to the fodder.
Gazing through the foggy air River spotted a couple of that beautiful sea mammals
jumping out of the water playing with the waves the boat was making. The foam
was kissing their silver tails and looking at them River felt like jumping in so she
would dive with them.The boat jumped against high waves, so she was hardly
holding on the fence. Her all-stars were all wet and when a salty wave crushed into
Graces left side she slipped and fell down.She slowly stood up and started to
assemble her stuff that shattered around when she looked up. Something was off.
The crowd was gone, small talk was heard from every corner but mostly old Irish.
She could hardly understand a word.

The deck was full of young sailors in light cotton shirts and older gentlemen who if not worn at least owned a thick woollen sweater in different colours. On the edge of the deck there was a
young woman. Her face was freckled and her eyes sparkled
from the sun. River could have sworn she looked just like her driver. She worn a thick woollen hat hiding her hair and ears from the wind, but a strand of red curls was sticking out right in the middle of her forehead.

In a split of a second it looked just like she winked at her.
‌She was just about to ask her how she got there when a little golden thing rolled
passed her. In a corner of her eye she chough a glimpse of a young man who's foot
chough the a shiny ring. He picked it up sneered and bit in it like he was checking if
it was genuine "Look what I found! "A nice gift for my mistress" with mischievous
grin fixed on the girl who looked like Lindsey. "In your wildest dreams champ!"
Said she. "Exactly!" He winked, when he felt a full force hit in the front of his torso.
Lad dressed in brown pants and a dark blue shirt lunged himself towards him,
tackling him to the floor shouting ''Give it back!''
The young man refused to yield the ring and they wrestled all over the wooden
planks. He was clutching the ring firmly in his hand and using the same fist to punch
the guy in the face, while with the other hand pulling back the hair of his attacker.
The other man managed to break free from his grasp and pushing the youngster flat
to the wet wooden floor, he knelt on his arms and tried to pull the ring out of his
hand. Unsuccessful. His grip was too strong. The young man pushed with all his
might and managed to escape the sweaty grip, backed away and started laughing to his face.

River was not the kind of person to interfere in to fights and it wasn't about her anyway.
When a young man turned and left with the ring she saw the desperate look on his
opponents face. That's when she noticed his dark chocolate eyes, his long brown
hair were all out of order due to the struggle he was just in. How could this be. Is
this a joke. The resemblance was incredible. If he would smile, I bet his half face
smile would be exactly like Robs.

Could this be him, in another time. Lindsey was there so in a way it makes sense.
River was still confused. She did somehow believe that certain people are meant to
meet no matter the time or place. The universe simple does it and this was one of
these times. But what was she doing there.
As a hopeless romantic she first thought of love she was so desperate to find, but this was something else.

At that moment the girl who looked like her driver stood up and taped the man on
his back ''You'll make her another one Richard, it's just a ring.''
River was gathering her thoughts. No, this can't be. What year was it.
Her imaginative wheel was spinning like Rumplestiltskin's spinning wheel where he
spun the thread of gold.

The ring. ''What were the symbols on your ring?'' she just spilt out. The two friends
looked at her like she was from another planet. She couldn't blame them. She wore a
long sleeved rainbow dress, bunch of shiny stones were danglingdown her neck. Her
silky blue shawl was playing with the wind and her bright red curls looked so
unnatural. Obviously she didn't belong there. Like some modern gipsy dropped from
the leprechauns pot.

''What does it matter, it's gone.'' said Richard, looking another way. ''No, you're Joyce, Richard Joyce right?''
''What are you some kind of witch, or something?'' he stared at her slack-jawed. At
that moment River realised how loon she sounded. Think fast.
''Obviously not, I heard you talking and there is your name on the tag of that case.
That is yours right, If not this just made me look like an idiot. Anyways I really just want to help somehow and I might have an idea.''
River suggested to win it back. Although they didn't really understand what she had
in mind. ''Go on. '' said Richard.
''This was easy'' thought River so she continued, ''I saw them playing Perudo, it if
we offer something worth bidding for, we might get your ring back. ''

''Wait, just wait. I have nothing left to lose with. ''
''No, but I do. ''
She showed off a golden locket that was tucked behind her collar. It was engraved
with beautiful flowers and worked in rubies. When she was holding the chain the
locket was spinning around and shone like amber reflecting the sunlight.
''And we are not going to lose! ''
Richard looked stunned at her, then the locket, then her again. He tried to
understand why a stranger would freely offer their valuables. He tried to explained it
was too much to ask.
''I don't even know the game, you don't even know me... ''
River hushed him. ''Calm down, I have a plan, the game is simple, I have learned it
from... '' she bit her tongue and realised she would sound even madder if she told the
truth ''...well from pirates when I was travelling the Caribbean. '' of course she was
referring to the movies, but how would she explain that to them.

Dice were mixing in the cups for so long she could count them if she tried. Like a loud drum a wave crashed against the boat and at that moment all cups were down. They glimpsed at eachother with wild guesses of how many dice with the same number has fallen. three threes, five fours. The thief finali spoke: ''five fives.''

At that moment she knew the game was won. It was her turn. ''You are a thief and a lier!''
She jumped, turned and bowed with content. ''Now give it!''

She knew now what she had won. She won back a piece of history. She was holding this little golden circle, just like she tought. Hands holding the heart with a crown above it.
The original claddagh ring. Forged by Richard Joyce, a first silversmith from Galway.


It wasn't a dream, it was the very reason she was so sure she had to go in the first place. For she believed there was some higher power that wanted her there. At that time, on that boat. The boat named after the pirate queen Grace O'Malley.

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