Abandoned Castle and another dimension

In the morning, the weather is so bright. Soraya felt very excited because today she would start her exploration of the abandoned castle. Soraya is a girl who is very enthusiastic about adventure and exploration. Since she was a child, Soraya often played in the forest, climbed rocks and swam in the ocean. At school, the history teacher explained about the famous royal castle. But now, the castle is abandoned in the middle of a mysterious forest. With her enthusiasm, Soraya will look for interesting things in the castle.

"Where are you going so early in the morning?" Asked Nina, Soraya's mother.

"I heard that in a mysterious forest, there is a royal heritage castle, I want to see it mam" Soraya replied.

"It's okay, but you have to eat breakfast first"

“Okay Mom”

After breakfast and a shower, Soraya said goodbye to her mother. She will go to the castle. After hours of walking in the dense forest, Soraya finally arrived in front of the castle's gate which looked terrible. It has been hundreds of years that the castle is no longer occupied and not maintained so the castle is like a devil's lair. Even so, Soraya's interest in exploring and searching for historical objects in the castle could not be stopped. When Soraya entered the castle and walked through the dark alleys. All she could see were dusty and abandoned rooms. She continued exploring the castle in hopes of finding something interesting.

After exploring the castle for a long time, Soraya was getting bored because she couldn't find anything that interested her. Finally, she decided to come back to the castle. After a long walk through the hall after the hall, Soraya did not find the exit. She got lost in that abandoned castle. She kept looking for the exit, but could not find it. Suddenly, Soraya saw a glimmer of light illuminating a door at the end of the hall. She thought it was the exit of the abandoned castle, so she hastened her steps towards it. With hope, she opened the door, however, what Soraya encountered was not what she expected. The door took her to a place far from her expectations. She looked at the world spread out before her. it was a great sight.

source by Pixabay

In that world, the sky was purple with two tiny suns shining brightly. The trees soared high, blooming beautifully with colourful petals Soraya had never seen before. Birds with glittering wings fluttered in the sky, creating songs that were unfamiliar to Soraya's ears. She felt as if she had entered a fairytale world. Soraya began to step forward, awed by the beauty that surrounded her. She found a waterfall that gave off a dazzling light. The water is clear and feels refreshing. She soaked her hands and felt a sensation of peace.

Not far from there, Soraya saw a field of sparkling flowers. The flowers lit up with a bright colour. She felt a fragrant aroma and indulged her sense of smell. Like in a dream, she walked through the flower fields. Suddenly she met a beautiful Fairy with colourful wings and shiny skin. Soraya approached the creature carefully.

Source by Tú Nguyễn

"Hello! Sorry to interrupt, but I got lost and entered this dimension. I have never seen such beauty before."

"Hi, Welcome, I am Purel, one of the guardian beings of this dimension. You are the first person to successfully enter our territory."

"Really? I feel very lucky to be here. How can this world be this beautiful?"

"This world is the combined product of dream and imagination. Here, the magic of life and the universe merge into one. Everything you see is the most beautiful manifestation of imagination ever."

"It's amazing! I can't wait to explore more and find more beauty here."

"Sure, I will guide you through your journey in this dimension. There are many amazing places that you must see and feel."

Soraya and Purel walked together through the forest, past sparkling rivers and vast plains surrounded by fields of colourful flowers. Soraya felt indescribable joy and wonder as she explored every corner of this dimension.

"Purel, can everyone enter this dimension?"

"No, only a few with a clear heart and mind can find this gate. You are one of them."

"I feel honoured to be one of them. I want to cherish every moment here and accumulate unforgettable experiences."

"Soraya, please know that this world is a world beyond the bounds of time. Time will run slower here, so enjoy every second you spend."

Soraya continued her journey with Purel, enjoying the beauty and wonder that surrounds her. She knew that this experience would always be a part of her. Soraya continues to explore this magical dimension with Purel, but after some time, the desire to return to her world begins to surface. She misses her home, her family, and the new adventures that await out there.

"Purel, I am very grateful for this unforgettable experience. But I miss my world. Can you help me return to my original dimension?"

"Sure. I understand your longing. There is a hidden gate in this region that can take you back to your world. I will take you there."

Purel and Soraya walked through the sparkling meadows, through forests and valleys, until they finally arrived at a hidden cave in the middle of the forest. Inside the cave, there is a portal of light emitting magical power.

"This is the gate that will lead you back. Only by passing through this portal will you return to your world."

"Thank you so much Purel for your guidance and hospitality. I will always remember the beauty and magic of this dimension."

"Goodbye, Soraya. May your journey through your world bring joy and new adventures?"

Soraya stepped into the portal of light and slowly disappeared from the magical world. When she opened her eyes, she was again in the middle of a gloomy abandoned castle, but this time she knew how to get out. With a grateful heart and an unforgettable experience, Soraya left the castle and continued her life's adventures. She carries the experiences and wonders of the magical world in her heart, always ready to explore and face the new mysteries that await in her future.

The End.

This fictional story is my entry for The Ink Well Fiction Prompt #124

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