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I love you but I can't work with you


I stumbled as the pointed end of my stilettos got caught by the chair.

"God, can I have a break?" I mumbled angrily to no one in particular.

I was already having a bad morning, and I certainly did not need anything aggravating me. It was one of those days when you just wanted to be on your own, but I mean, you have to work and all of that. Just as I was about to sit, the phone rang. I cussed silently and picked up. Of course, it's my boss.
"What does he want now?" I asked again to no one.

"Come into my office, please," his voice boomed through. Chills went down my spine. I hated how he put me on edge.

I gathered the file I had worked on the previous day and walked into my boss's office. He had his head down, and I took a quick glance around his office. I have been working for him for four years, and it has been a rough one. Let me run you through why. I got the job because Max, my boss, was my brother's best friend. Also, we sort of had a hate-love thing going on. I liked him, he knew I liked him but he kept me at arm's length because well, he saw me as his sister. I've tried to maintain that relationship and be still. Max, however, has been gallivanting around with a lot of girls, and honestly, I couldn't care less. If he wanted to push me away and act like a 3-year-old. All the best. But, for a month now, he has become unbearable. He has been pushing more work on me, and I couldn't count the number of times I considered quitting. This morning wasn't any different as I was fed up. Max snapped his fingers at me, and I woke up to reality. God, does he look good? But obviously, I am not going to be telling him that. He wore a black suit, and if you didn't look well, you'd almost think the suit was sewn on him. It fitted him like a second skin. His melanin body popped as a little ray of sun flashed against his face. I could see his brown eyes from here. My eyes scroll down until it hits his mouth. What I wanted to do to him right…

"Do you have the documents?" He rudely broke into my thoughts.

"Y…Yes, I do," I stammered as I moved forward and brought him his documents.

"Thank you." He said and waves for me to go.

I rolled my eyes and walked out. A few seconds after sitting, he sent for me again and again and again till it was time to leave. I carried my tired body and walked into the elevator. I was so stressed and wished I could just disappear home. It was a long ride home, but as soon as I stepped into my house, I felt at peace. I made my way to my bedroom and slumped on the bed.

I woke up the next morning and mentally prepared myself for work as I always do. Then I sigh and make my way to the office. I hadn't sat down for a minute when I got a call from my boss. I walked in, and he handed me a letter.
I was confused as to what it was. I tore it right there and went through it. My face dropped as I realized it was a sack letter.

"B.. But I didn't do anything wrong. Max, please."

I didn't even realize I just mentioned his name. Tears were almost dropping from my eyes. I couldn't believe what was happening. I had so many questions.
What had I done wrong? Why is he doing this? But before I could ask any of them, he stood up and walked to the opened door to close it. My feet couldn't move as I stood there, still wondering why my life was falling apart. I felt him come behind me as he held my shoulders.

"Sarah, I can't keep working with you when I know I'm this close to breaking so many rules. I've tried for four years to control myself and even try to love any other person but you because I know your brother would have my head, but I can't anymore."

Wait, what?

He continued, "I even started projecting on you and made it difficult for you to work here so you'd leave, but you are so stubborn and resilient. Those qualities are one that had me drawn to you from day one. I can't help it anymore, Sarah. I love you."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I mean.. so he loved me this entire time? What? I slowly turned around and found my voice.

"So you fired me to tell me you love me?"

He ran his fingers through his hair, which was to show he was nervous.

"Actually, you are fired from here because it is against the company's policy for us to be together, but you start work on Monday in another firm, which I hooked you up with. I had to make the whole thing believable. I'm sorry." He looked down on me and those eyes. Those eyes.

"So, what do you say? Are you finally ready to love me with zero permission from anyone and endless potential with us?"

I paused for a second and looked at him. This was a moment I had always been waiting for. Yearning for. And it was right here. He took a walk back and started, "Umm alright forget everything I said. I don't know what I was…"

I didn't allow him to finish as I jumped at him and bent him down so I could kiss him. It was magical until I tripped and fell on him. We both landed on the ground, and he wailed softly in pain. I watched him and was about to say sorry when I burst out laughing. He quickly covered my mouth, but when he saw me struggling, he joined in on the laughter. I threw my head back and continued laughing. It went on for a while before I realized he had quieted down.
I raised my head and saw him looking at me with much delight. That's when I froze.

"I love you, Sarah. I love you."

I didn't say anything and didn't have to. Our forever has just begun.

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