Fireflies; the perfect birthday gift.



Valerie climbed the stairs gently with a small piece of cake in her hands and her eyes were fixed on the light from the tiny candle stick.

She was dressed in a blue gown and her beauty will melt the heart of even the strongest man in the clan but not having what everyone had didn't make anyone except her mother appreciate how beautiful she was.

It was a perfect night. The stars were up and the moon was shining at its peak. The night breeze didn't just disturb the light from the candle stick but it also gave her goosebumps.

She had been moody all day even though her birthday was in less than twenty minutes. The thought of celebrating another birthday without a gift was quite depressing and she has chosen to always make her birthday wishes at midnight for quite some time now. Gossip about her not having a gift usually steal the excitement of her day, so she chooses midnight for a personal celebration.

She sat on her rocking chair in the tree house and the heavy sigh she made almost put off the candlelight.

She was lost in thought for a few minutes like she did the previous year and the year before. Sometimes Valerie wished she could get stuck in her fantasies where everything was perfect for her.

Heading into midnight, the weather got colder and she was called back to life by the thunder that was accompanied by lightning.

Her heart skipped for a few seconds and she almost dropped her small piece of cake.

She looked through the window to see if clouds were gathering but the sky was still the same.

"Why the thunder when there is no rain?", she murmured as she left the window side.

Valerie got herself together and relax again in her rocking chair.

"Will I ever find my gift?", tears rolled down her cheek as she asked herself in a shaky voice.

She went on sobbing for a while and couldn't wait for the big cathedral bell to announce a new day so that she can make her wishes and return to her mom who has always showered so much love on her.

It was less than five minutes to a new day and Valerie closed her eyes to make her wishes. Telling her deceased dad how much she misses him and saying a prayer for him always comes first every year.

She was about to make her wish when she heard a noise from the people on the ground. Valerie wanted to open her eyes but didn't and she made the same wish just like every year which is discovering her gift.

She opened her eyes after making the wish only to discover that darkness had fallen upon the face of the Earth. It was a bit scary because the clouds had taken over the sky in the twinkle of an eye.

Her candle had almost burned out and just in time, the cathedral bell made the sound she had been waiting for.

Valerie blew the light off and as the tiny flames blended into the air, they formed tiny lights. It started as one and gradually became so much that it erased the darkness in the treehouse.

She was surprised but didn't know what it meant or why it was happening.

Valerie tried touching the lights as they were floating a few inches above her and one of them descended on her hand. It turned out to be a firefly and she threw it away out of fear.

The lights dimmed because she was scared and when she got hold of herself again, the lights were so bright again.

Valerie ran down the stairs and the fireflies followed her. She quickly shut the door when she entered her mom's apartment and the fireflies were dancing at the door.

(She dislikes insects and just couldn't endure them following her)

Valerie rushed to hug her mom with tears in her eyes. She narrated what happened and her mother got emotional because that was her husband's gift when he was alive.

She told Valerie that the fireflies must be a gift which means she can summon them in the dark.

She was restless and excited throughout the night.

The clan woke up to the news of her gift and they started preparing a grand celebration for her.

Everyone including Valerie thought that was all until she started hearing birds chirping and she could understand them. She told everyone what the birds were saying and every member of the clan was wowed.

She discovered more gifts on her birthday and the best of all was healing people. It was a rare gift that no one ever possessed in the clan.

Valerie grew up to be one of the clan elders at a young age. She became the most honored and gifted member of her clan even after centuries.

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