Natalie's Sketch Gift |The Inkwell's Flash Fiction Contest.


Natalie arrived at the art exhibition downtown that was organized by her husband, Wyatt. They had just gotten married six weeks ago. Since she met Wyatt for the first time at an art exhibition, the first thing she noticed about him was his passion for art. Wyatt loves art like the air he breathes. His artwork is fascinating, it's genuine and it is always intriguing. Hence, why all his art exhibitions are always successfully sold.

As shewalked in, she was welcomed with an exquisite sight. She gasped as she began to take in her environment. The venue used for the art exhibition is fully decorated, chandeliers hanging down from the ceiling, warm colored bulbs hanging on each art piece, people walking around while feeding their eyes with Wyatt's work and there was smooth jazz music in the background. Everything synchronized well as the art exhibition was the biggest he had ever organized.


"Hey stranger, love what you see?" Wyatt spoke from behind Natalie.

"Oh Wyatt, this is magnificent! I bet people will not be able to resist this." she said.

"You helped me, I couldn't have done this without you. I love you. You are my world and these" he said as he waved his hand around all his artworks.

~ ~ ~

After several hours, the exhibition was over and all Wyatt's artworks had been successfully collected and paid for. They were packing up When Wyatt said, "We should celebrate this win in a fancy restaurant closeby, what do you think?"

"Uhm, okay If you are up to it. I thought you were exhausted?" Natalie said

"Not anymore. Natalie, I am so excited" With that Wyatt held his wife as they shared a passionate kiss.

On their way to a restaurant closeby, they were involved in a terrible accident rendering both of them unconscious. Natalie woke up at the hospital with a sharp pain in her head. She looked to her side and found her husband lying unconscious with bandages wrapped all over his hands, fingers and attached to a breathing machine to assist him in breathing. She managed to stand up and went to her husband. She looked at him and her heart broke. She laid her head on his torso as she wept bitterly.

The doctor came to give update about her condition and that of her husband's. The update revealed that Wyatt's hands were badly injured during the accident and he would need physical therapy or surgery to help bring the used to his hands back. Natalie realised this was bad for her husband, for he used his hand to paint and draw all those magnificent artwork. How would he survive, she thought.

~ ~ ~

A few weeks had passed, Wyatt was being discharged from the hospital and the doctors assured him that soon he would get the use of his hands back. So they went back home as they began their changed life together. Along the line, Wyatt ran out of patience with therapy, drugs and medical check ups because his hands were still useless. He began to lose himself as with every weeks, and months that passed by.

It's been eight months since the accident happened. Wyatt got into an heated argument with Natalie pouring out all his frustration.

"I can't go on like this anymore, I need you to understand that. My hands are dead and I have lost all hope!" Wyatt said.

"How dare you?! You do not have the right to give up on us." Natalie said.

"What do you want me to do?! I can't use my hands to do anything. Do you know how much I have missed holding you and touching your soft skin?! Looking at you right, oh I have a lot of things I want to do to you but I can't! I can't even take care of your needs anymore.I am done!"

"Please don't do this Wyatt, please. I still believe in us!" Natalie pleaded.

~ ~ ~

Natalie began to think of how she can save her marriage and not lose her husband amidst the storm. Then she decided to go learn art, she enrolled in school of art and thrice every week she would sneaks to classes when Wyatt is either napping or out for therapy sessions. The neighbors always wonder where she goes to, but No one knew where she was going.

Months passed by, Natalie began to work twice harder as she realised she was losing Wyatt more. Their anniversary was coming up in three days. Natalie was making a sketching drawing of his favorite picture of her as an anniversary gift for him. It took her a week to finish the sketch.

On their anniversary, Natalie had framed her sketch drawing, and also wrapped it up. Wyatt woke to a gift box on a little table close to their bed. He sat up and the read card on the gift. His heart melted then he made an attempt to open the gift box himself. "Here let me help" Natalie said as she came to his rescue. She opened it to reveal the gift, Wyatt's eyes went wide.


"I made this for you. I learnt how your art world works and now I understand you better and I willing to help you learn all over again" Natalie said. Wyatt eyes were filled with tears.

"I love you so much that my heart aches. I am not going anywhere. We are in this together."

With this, Wyatt managed to path his arms apart wide for Natalie to come in for a hug and without hesitation she went. They held each other like they had been apart for ages and Wyatt kissed her passionately and demanded more.

"I love you Natalie, My world", Wyatt said.


This is my entry for the Inkwell flashficiton contest

Sketch Drawing was made by me using the following materials; A4 paper, HB pencil, charcoal pencil and Eraser.

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