Unsolved Mystery

I have no motive for this crime. I had several opportunities to Carry out the act if T really wanted to. Before the ceremony I was with snake all day. At the ceremony, I was in charge of snake. Its A tragedy what happened to snake, but honestly there's no way I would have done this.

Saturday, at 1300 hours, we Left the castle with snake. The counselor had ordered that he wanted to be with snake all night before the big event. On our way to the mansion we met a road block. Mr Jack's car broke down and he begged is to give him a lift as was also headed for the castle, according to him he had an appointment with the cystitis. That was how Mr jack -who by the way I bet is the criminal here- joined our convoy, not to add that he was with us through out the night. Isn't that suspicious!

At the ceremony on Sunday, I was quite

that I was the one in charge of snake, it felt great standing next to it's glory through out the event. After the ceremony however, we ran into Mr Jack AGAIN.

Okay! I think I have to cut in here. You have mentioned my name a lot in your defense. You are as much a suspect as I am. Saturday, 1200 I left my house angry at my wife for failing to get my appointment with the counselor approved early, as she was the secretary and my proposal lay on desk for weeks. My day got worse when I my car broke down, in that moment it was like I couldn't remember the last time I was

. I needed to speak with the counselor at all cost. It was an emergency, when I saw the escort I had no option but to ask them for a lift.

Funny enough when I got to the mansion, the counselor was already asleep. I couldn't leave without seeing him, therefore I remained with the escort and of course alongside snake. After such an annoying and stressful day, I overslept and Mr Brown here didn't Care to wake me up. Once again I missed to see the counselor. At the ceremony, I was frustrated trying to get an audience with the counselor, but it seemed impossible. When I heard that the ceremony was over, I went to the back stage hoping to block the counselor. For once the thought of the snake never crossed my mind, All this while I was busy trying to get an audience with the counselor.

"All evidence shows that since the last time the snake was confirmed in tact, you three have been the only ones in direct contact with the snake. That includes you sir, Mr counselor. I'm sorry to drag you to the spotlight."

Its fine detective. I'm sure you are simply doing your job. I had a feeling something like this would happen. I mean the snake is the most valued property of my family, passed down from generations and it's net worth greater than that of the richest man in the world. For the first time in many years, it was leaving the most secured vault in the world, I knew someone would try something fishy.


That is why I hired Mr brown, I heard his escort team was the best around here. If I was going to release ownership of snake to someone else, I wanted to have it in my arms one more time. Unfortunately the escort team weren't able to get it to me on time. This made me furious and I fell asleep angry. When I woke up late at night, I ordered one of the guards to go and retrieve Snake from the escort team, sadly he returned with the report that Mr brown had ordered that no one was allowed to access the snake, not even I the counselor.

At first I admired how strict he was guarding the package, but then I really needed that last moment with Snake. Therefore I hired the king of thieves, he did his thing and brought me the snake replacing it with a dummy version. With the snake in my arms, once again I was


Sunday morning, the plan was to have my guard return Snake to Mr Brown explaining everything and probably tell him that he needed to tighten his security. This guard never made it to Mr Brown, he was mugged and the snake was taken.

While the crowd cheered and I have my speech with a forced smile on my face pretending to be

, deep down I was actually furious and angry with everything going on around me.

Now you see detective, whatever evidence you think you've got, is all wrong. Three of us haven't been the only once in contact with Snake since Saturday, my guard and the king of thieves are the missing clue to this puzzle.

doubleworld To The Multiverse🌀🌀

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