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Mr Ade is a good and great teacher in a secondary school who loves his students and at the same time principled. He is a serious and effective mathematics has been said that all mathematics teachers are always slim like Mr Ade. He never jokes with his teaching and never jokes with going assignments. Everyone has known him to be someone who is strict and never jokes about his mark being one (1) mark or half mark when he is marking student's scripts, Mr Ade always marks with all seriousness with making mistakes. Mr Ade will tell you " I love my woke and love teaching ". I also love my students and everyone around me.

When I give you an assignment, it must be done and submitted as when due without missing lines. People see me as being wicked whereas I am helping students to grow academically. I love cracking jokes in the class which made all the students cherish me even though they tagged me as a wicked being, and am always strict with my marks.

Parents of the students always heard of his good way of dealing with students and also his good ways of teaching and making students understand his subject. The school he is teaching is progressing and flooded with all kinds of students just because of him and his method of teaching. The principal, Mr Abraham has never praised any teacher in his life but what he has seen in Mr Ade made him applaud him with praises. Because of Mr Ade's behaviour, he decided to promise himself to reward him with a special gift at the end of the session. Mr Abraham is a principled man and does not take nonsense. He was opportune to attend Mr Ade's class when he was teaching the students which got him convinced of what he has been hearing about Mr Ade.

Mr & Mrs Williams have a son whom they have been observing in a secondary school but was not doing so well in terms of his science subjects and most especially his Mathematics. Ben was poor academically. Ben has a friend who is at Mr Ade's school and was not doing so well initially but turned out to be grounded in his academics. When Mr Williams saw the way his son's friend had improved, he called his attention to ask him what made him improve so much. His son's friend, Mark replied " it was due to a new teacher in my school ". He has a good method of teaching us and also has good words. He always calls students to his office for advice. When he is teaching, he gives us countless words of advice. This made all the students, as well as the teachers, cherish him to the fullest. Mr Ade is a principled man and a man who does not take nonsense. He is the Student's favourite. Mr Williams replied "Wow", I think I have to invite him to teach your friend, my son, private lessons instead of leaving my son's education drowning. Can you collect his contact number for me when you get to school tomorrow? Mark replied, "I will collect his number first thing tomorrow morning for me not to forget ". Thank you, Mark, Mr Williams replied.

The next day Mark had to collect Mr Ade's contact and without a doubt, went straight to Mr Williams house and told him "I have collected his contact Sir and thank God he gave it to me without asking any question. "Mr Williams decided to call Mr Ade and they both arranged for his son's lesson. They agreed on a certain amount which was ok by Mr Ade and they both exchanged pleasantries.

It's now three months of teaching. Mr and Mrs Williams started seeing some improvements in their son's academics. He changed morally and educationally. This got Mr and Mrs Williams so much excited and happy. They were ready to reward Mr Ade come Christmas period. It was time for exams and Ben had to prepare to the fullest. Mr Williams was surprised to see his son always waking up to read his books at night which was not so before now. Ben increased his reading skills and started being serious instead of having a character of not reading his books or always playing games on his laptop.

It is exam period and Ben was very happy while writing his exams. Everyone in his class was surprised to see his level of seriousness, which was more than before. Ben did his exams very well and all his teachers were proud of him. Some of his teachers had to ask him about the sudden changes. He responded, "I got changed through my lesson teacher ". He has been teaching me so well and also giving me words of advice. When results came out, Ben came out with flying colours. His dad Mr Williams was so happy and excited which made him decide to double Mr Ade's lesson fees and also told himself to surprise him with lots of gifts.

It was the end of the Session and the principal Mr Abraham got his promise and surprised Mr Ade with two sets of gifts which included a bag of rice and some tangible amount of money.

Mr Ade's phone was ringing and when he saw the name on his phone, it was Mr Williams. This man has settled me with his son's lesson fees. Why is he calling again? Said Mr Ade. Hello sir!!! Mr Williams voice sounded excited and said please can you come over to my house now? Said Mr Williams. Hope no problem, sir? Mr Ade replied. Not at all, Mr Williams replied. I just need to see you. Mr Ade in a hurry rushed to Mr Williams house. ''Good afternoon sir" said Mr Ade. How are you doing? Mr Williams replied. I am great, said Mr Ade. Mr Williams told his wife to bring the packages which she brought out from the room. Mr Ade was given another bag of rice and a wrapped package. He thanked Mr and Mrs Williams so much. He opened the package when he got home and to his surprise was an iPhone and an envelope filled with some tangible amount of money. In the envelope, there was a note stating that his payments had been doubled. He was so excited and filled with joy.

Final notes: it is good to be good and also to do good from your heart. As a teacher, you need to teach by motivating your students instead of making them feel sad and not happy for knowing you. There is always a reward for those who are ready to do good.

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