My Grandfather's Journal


I rummaged through the old box grandpa had left me. I was too traumatized to open it after his death so I left it in the basement, and then I went to college. Took me four years to come back home, I had even forgotten something like that existed until I saw the Rum Grandpa was fond of drinking at the small shop close to the park.

His lovely face came to my mind, his handsome smile and the way he stroked his moustache whenever he was trying to concentrate. I could remember how red his eyes were from drinking so much rum but now that I think of it, I wonder how he always managed to maintain his cool after drinking so much rum, all that alcohol could drive anyone crazy but instead, it brought out the best in my Grand father.

I stroked the little book that was now clothed with dust. I had to brush it so hard for me to see that it was his journal, it contained everything about his research, every single thing about his life's achievements and misdoings. It was written in clear English language. It was questionable how a man who'd lived all his life in Spain was able to read and write good English, he must have read a lot and everyone knows Grandpa doesn't fancy interpreters.

As I opened the book, something unexpected happens that making me drop it on the ground in shock. The words in the book start to come to life and one by one, they start to dance out of the book and form in front of me glowing brightly. I couldn't understand what was happening but they all felt like the beautiful rhythms that came out of musical instruments in animation movies.

As they arrange, I noticed they weren't just words, they were puzzles, codes of some sort that I couldn't quite understand. This was no ordinary English, no, it was of a different realm, one I couldn't quite understand. What did all this mean? I wondered as they filled up the whole room. Was he trying to pass across a message to me? Was there something he wanted me to do?

I needed to think, what could he possible have left me this glowing words for? What could they mean?, I kept trying to process it all when something sharp just reflected in my subconscious. It went by so fast that I couldn't quite get what it was, was it a memory? was it the answer to all my questions?, I needed to concentrate hard, surely Grandpa wouldn't leave me with an impossible task.

I sat on the floor and slowly turned on the pages of the journal. More words keep flying out and this time they joined with the other ones. Then I saw it...I and grandpa in a poorly lit room, he's reading something to me, my bedtime story. I must have been 3 or 4 then and we were in my room. It looked so different, grandpa looked so young and I was still so happy. Just then, dad walks in and says something, I think it annoys Grandpa because he gets up to leave, I plead with him but no, he just walks out the door and shut it hard, then dad takes the book away from me and tucks me in.

That book holds the answer to deciphering this codes and finding the answers to all the questions that now filled my head. I'd read through that book countless times in secret. It wasn't actually a book of words, it was a book with strange creatures, it was like a puzzle. All you just needed to do was speak where you wanted each piece of the puzzle to go and it'll appear.

The book didn't exist again because dad had made sure to burn it after he found me reading it one night. He got so pissed that he hit me, for the first time ever and then he got it from me and set it ablaze. I had cried all night and the only thing that had comforted me were the funny shapes Grandpa's snores made and these shapes floated in the sky and came all the way to my room. These shapes danced around my room and I danced with them.

Now that the book was no more, how's I going to understand the message that my Grand father wanted to pass across. Annoyed, I stand up and walk towards the door and open it. "Would you like me to show you how to access what you seek", Our cat Giggles said calmly curled up outside the door. I looked at him and across the hall to be sure I wasn't hearing things.

"There's no need to be surprised Tim, your Grandpa (may the good Lord rest his soul) would want you to have all the knowledge he had". Without saying anything, I pick him up and dropped him beside the book closing the door behind me. "Start spilling everything you know Giggles", I finally said. Then he looked at me for a while, as if there was something on my face. Was this talking cat also going crazy?, I thought to myself.

"Hello, you havn't said anything yet, or do you want a bottle of milk to joggle your knowledge?", I said, this time clearly frustrated. He could read the uneasiness written over my face but instead of say anything, he just smile and started to walk away from me towards the window where he stroke a perfect Grandeur pose then his voice finally came out, "If you're looking for another copy of that book, there is sadly no other copy. However, there's another way".

"What way Giggles? I'm willing to do anything"

"And you shall because the way is through you"

"Me?, What do you mean by through me? Are you looking to sacrifice me?", I couldn't understand where he was heading to.

"Haha, sacrifice you no, all we just need to do is access your mind, every piece of the puzzle lies in your mind"


"Your Grandpa made sure to read you that book everytime he got the chance and he did it with a purpose, so that you'll be the only one who could have access to it. Your mind holds the answer Tim".

"I can't...I don't even know how the first page of that book looks like, I can't remember Giggles, I can't"

"Yes you can, you just need to concentrate, don't you worry, I'll help you", he said and walked up to me then he looked at me again. Overwhelmed with emotion, I picked him up and hugged him tightly. Guess it's me, Grandpa's journal and the speaking cat from now on.

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