

Nduka was driving home with his pet dog sitting on the passenger seat. He had just left the paved road for a moment to navigate the unpaved, rugged, and crooked road in his village. As soon as he drove onto the village road, he began to complain about the corruption of the government. They had budgeted and released five hundred million naira for the construction of the road, but it had been embezzled. Now erosion had further degraded the road, and he lamented its condition. He tried increasing the acceleration, but the narrow road and numerous pedestrians impeded me.

Furthermore, as he was driving past the central hamlet of his community, his little dog began to bark unusually, as if it sensed an impending doom. Suddenly, he started feeling fear within him, anticipating a tragic event about to unfold. He knew that his little dog was always sensitive to unseen and imminent tragic occurrences. As he continued driving, his hand stiffened on the steering wheel, and his eyes were wide open in an apprehensive state. I began to stare at the big trees and houses , and in that same moment, the weather started changing. The clouds darkened, and raindrops began to fall. He said to himself, "This is incredible, what a sudden change!" He
couldn't believe how events can swiftly take a turn. Then he thought to himself, "Whatever challenge may lie ahead, I will face it head-on."

As he approached the junction near the Methodist church, a loud thunderbolt accompanied by a bright lightning flash occurred, causing everyone to scramble for cover. When he looked up, he saw that the lightning had ignited a fire on the high-tension electric wire attached to a wooden pole on the street. At the same time, the fire spread to dry banana leaves close to a residential building. While observing this event, his dog continued barking, and he recalled the first time it had barked in a similar manner.

Furthermore, people began alerting the neighborhood about the fire. As he watched this mesmerizing scene, the fire started spreading from the banana leaves to the wire connecting the high-tension wire to the residence. Suddenly, smoke started billowing from the building, and people rushed out, shouting "fire! fire!" Within a short time, smoke had engulfed the entire house, and no one could determine the source of the fire except him.

In addition, he had left his vehicle with his dog following him and barking. He went directly to the fire using a bamboo tree leaning on a mango tree to remove the banana leaves. Then, he used the bamboo tree to hit the wire connected to the house from the high-tension line and directed that the wooden cover housing the control switch should be removed.

Finally, the fire incident was averted. He couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if the entire house had been consumed by fire, considering that the fire service would not have arrived in time to extinguish the flames.

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