Imaginary World

"Storm the castle!" The young commander of the knight of Dane commanded in authority and bravely, pointing his trusty sword towards the castle in determination.


His name is Jake, and he is ten years old. Under his command are his two siblings, Joel and John. They are eight years old and five years old, respectively.

"Storm the cawsle!" John parrots his oldest brother enthusiastically, copying his big brother's pose while he was beside him.

Behind them is Joel, looking at the big castle nervously.

You see, they have a mission. Their mother, or the Queen, got kidnapped by a dragon. The reason why the dragon kidnapped the queen is wanting her to marry him.

Unfortunately, the negotiation between the dragon and the three knights failed, as the young knights refused because the queen belongs to them.

When the dragon heard their refusal, he got mad, so he kidnapped the queen and placed her in his castle to be with him.

The three brave knights decide to rescue the Queen and defeat the mighty and evil dragon.

"Can we really defeat the dragon?" Joel asks in doubt.

Jake faces his younger brother with a frown.

"Of course! The bad dragon stole our queen, so we need to steal back what is rightfully ours." Jake answers with a huff while he looks at his brother like it is obvious enough.

"Steal back! Steal back!" Agrees John.

"Don't worry, Joel. As your big brother, I will protect you when the dragon attacks." Jake hit his fists on his chest repeatedly and confidentially in a proud manner.

"Pwotect! Pwotect!"

"See? Even John agreed with me." Jake glances at little John proudly, and John giggles happily.

In the end, Joel reluctantly enters the castle together with his two brothers.

They move forward inside the castle as they enter the long and spacious hallway.

The tiles are black and white, while the stone pillars support the castle walls.


It is eerie and quiet until they enter another hallway.

This time, there are two wide staircases with a red carpet floor, and the three brave knights move upstairs.

Unfortunately, they got ambushed by the stone statues of the knights that protect the castle.

"Stay close with me!" Orders Jake seriously. The three brothers are back-to-back in a triangle position when the stone statues corner them, and the two knights follow their commander's command. The stone statues of the knights begin to attack them while the three brothers scream their battle cry to defend themselves.

After the gruesome battle, the stone statues lay broken into tiny pieces on the floor while the three young knights pants heavily.

"Let's move forward!" encourages and orders the young captain, pointing towards the only door in sight.

"Yeah!" Joel and John cries in unison enthusiastically because of their adrenaline rush, so they walk forward.

With endless battles with the stone statues of the knights, warhorses, and knights riding their stallions, the three young knights defeat their enemies in their journey.

They almost arrive at their final destination: the throne room.

When they enter the place, the spacious throne room is draped by the black curtains with candles and a chandelier above as their source of light.

In the center of the throne room, it is the dragon they are searching for. He's in his half-human and dragonic form while he stands straight.

He is not facing the knights while the dragon's hands are behind his back.

"I see that you have finally arrived, brave knights. I applaude you." The dragon, or their father in real life, pivots until he faces the young warriors with an evil smirk.

Behind the dragon, the Queen is watching over them calmly while she sits on the black cushioned throne room.

On each side of the Queen are the black wolves guarding her.


"Release the Queen! Or else, feel our wrath!" Jake cries out.

"Release, mommy!" John says with a disapproval frown.

"John, it's supposed to be our queen, not mommy," scolds Joel to the youngest brother with a gentle reminder.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" John insists stubbornly and ignores Joel, and Joel sighs in defeat.

Jake ignores his brothers while he is in the zone of their role play.

"I cannot release the Queen unless you agree to let me marry her," the dragon demands stubbornly.

"Neeevaaaahhh!! Mommy is mine!" Screams John in battle cry, and then he dashes forward with his sword.

"CHAAARRGEEE!!!" cries Jake to follow after his youngest brother.

"John, Jake! Nooo!" Joel yells frantically to defend his reckless brothers if the dragon attacks them. He joins the fight against the mighty dragon together with his brothers.

In the real world, the family is having fun joyfully, especially with the parents together with their children.

The ground is littered with pillows, being the children's enemies before as the stone knights, horses, and the combination of the knights riding their horses.

In the living room, the mother or the queen watches their antics in amusement. It is like she has four children instead of three.

Their large, black dogs join the fray because they think it is fun.

"You traitor!" cries the dragon, or father of the children, dramatically. It seems that one of the dogs betrays the dragon while the other one is doing the zoomies in the spacious living room.

The three children are hitting their father with their mighty and colorful Minecraft sword.

The father falls to the ground dramatically after their large dog body slams him.

The mother feels really happy to have their family bonding time.

She smiles softly.

'I hope they stay small forever.' She thinks in wishful thinking, but she knows her children won't stay little forever, so she savors her children's childhood days with her and her spouse, enjoying the present day.

Maybe someday, when they grow up, she will tell her fun stories about them fondly, like in today's roleplay.

After thinking about it, the mother chuckles in great satisfaction.

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