When You Can't Understand

I don't understand people, who make a conscious choice to be cruel.

I know that we all come from different cultures and backgrounds. That what may be unsettling for some, is just how things are, for others.

I struggle a lot, with how some people choose to treat animals. I just don't understand, how they are unable to recognise them as emotional beings. And give them the respect they deserve.


Daily, I witness animals being mistreated where I live. I have tried talking to the people, to try and at least plant some seeds, show them a different way in which they can treat the animals that they have working for them.

It makes no sense to me, why they do not understand how it would also benefit them, if the animals were healthier and stronger. But they just seem to see animals as objects and continue to treat them, that way.

I find it really difficult sometimes, to deal with what I witness. I have thought about moving away, but then maybe this is exactly why I should be here

Just today, I had to rescue a three legged lamb, that was about to be attacked by some dogs. The poor animal, was dragging itself along the ground. It could manage to stand up right for a little bit, but you could see that it couldn't hold it's weight very well.

It was already covered in cuts.


I already know, that the people who claim ownership over it, just don't care. They also have the donkey, that I have wrote about a few times already. They don't care, if they see animals suffering, it's just how things are, for many of the local farmers, around where I live.

I just really can't understand, how they can just turn a blind eye, to a being, that is suffering. How they can ignore, their cries of pain, their cries for help even.

I have struggled with this my whole life and it just happens everywhere.

I really struggle to understand, how someone can look an animal in the eye and inflict pain upon them. Or maybe, they have never even looked them in the eye. But either way, it makes no sense.

We all get to make choices in life, we choose how we interact with other beings. Both human and non human. And some, choose to cause pain and suffering. Some that perhaps have experienced so much themselves.

But then they know exactly what it is like, so why inflict it on others. I understand that there are generational cycles that occur and that it is very hard to break out of them. That violence itself, can be passed down, or at least the pain of it and that, this pain can cause some to become cruel. To follow the same path their ancestors did.


But it doesn't have to be like that. We all hold the power to change, to bring about change.

Then I look at the way in which some people mistreat the earth. The very thing that sustains us, it makes absolutely no sense to me. If we wish to survive, the earth needs to be healthy, it is as simple as that.

But there is a huge, disconnect for some. I am aware of, how some people have been led away from this connection. ( thanks to how we have been educated and what the media wants us to be exposed to.)So much so, that some people, actually prefer to spend all their time indoors, rather than outdoors.

That makes it easier for them then, to treat the earth as they please. No connection, means no reaction.

In the end I just give up trying to understand these people,I don't really need to anyway. My focus needs to be on what I am doing and not on others.

But as I said earlier, it's not feckin easy.

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