People Are Fascinating

Us humans are such fascinating creatures. From the way we look, dress, behave, think and react. When I was a child, I had to attend church every Sunday. Something I never enjoyed, but I didn't have a choice, I was living under the roof of my parents and what they said, well I that's what happened. When you grow up scared, you don't speak back. So I spend a long time, being very silent at home. But behind that silence, was a very active mind. One that I loved to put to work, every Sunday when I went to church. Using my imagination, to come up life stories for all the other people that were present. Each of them having secret lives. I loved to read, when I was a kid, so my head was full of all sorts of inspiration.


There were fairies, giants and secret agents, all living in my home town and the surrounding areas. Not everyone could see their true identity though, that was just for those who had magic eyes. (and those who used their brains as well.) To be honest, it kept me sane. I couldn't be loud, couldn't even raise my voice when I was growing up, but my mind, well that I could take places.

People watching was such a wonderful form of escapism for me as well. A way to escape the fear I usually felt. Because when my imagination took over, I was transported. Living alongside the wonderful alter ego's I created for the people I was watching.


When I moved to London, in my late teens. I love to go to Soho and Camden to people watch. You saw all sorts of people there and performers as well. Some people have such wonderful faces, their whole face telling a story, their eyes, pulling you right in. I try hard not to stare, I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable. Riding the Tube was also something I really enjoyed. You really see a different side to people, when they are placed in close proximity to others. Some people become very uncomfortable, others seem to thrive. It's fascinating really. How some people really struggle when they have to sit close to a stranger. I have seen fear in the eyes of some. How sad, that someone can be so fearful of a stranger. To feel such fear, in sharing space with someone else.

I get it though, I understand, it's a result of the society that they are a part of. For everyone is a product of their environment.


I don't make up fantastical stories about the people I watch anymore. I am still fascinated though. It's one of the reasons I live where I do, there are always new people visiting here, moving here. Being such a creative hub, as well as holding a lot of retreats and such, it attracts all sorts of people, from all walks of life. You all see all sorts. It's the sort of place where all the black sheep of the family end up in. So these folk are kind of living fantastical lives anyway.

On a Thursday, which is market day, I sometimes like to sit in or near the plaza, so I can watch everyone go about their business. Locals, tourists, those who come down from higher up in the mountains. It's the busiest day of the week. I enjoy watching how they move, their interacts. It's human psychology at the end of the day. The best place to study it, is out in the real world. Life is all about learning, is it not?

This is my response, to the following question from @galenkp, as part of the Weekend Engagement Challenge.

Do you people-watch and if so what do you get from it, deduce or conclude? Explain with examples.

The photos used are mine.

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