Leaving my comfort zone for a better life .

A comfort zone is a place where people find peace and pleasure, may things happen in our comfort zone which makes us not to think of other things that will benefit us because those things makes us feel no where else will be as good as our comfort zone. When i was in my comfort zone i get some things i need easyly but a time came in my life when i started thinking about my life.

I time came when i made a decision of leaving my comfort zone because at my age i know where i would have been by now but due to the things i get from my comfort zone i couldn't leave. I made a decision of leaving my comfort zone in the 2021 since the things i need most in life are not the things i have at the moment.

while in my comfort zone

At my age i am suppose to fend for myself and i am suppose to have finished my university but due to the comfort i get from my comfort zone i have not been able to archive all of this things. Ever since i left i left my comfort zone i have been able to put the things i need in order starting from my education.

I was able to archive my dream of being in a university just few months after i left my comfort zone and this is something i have not been able to get while leaving in my comfort zone. Today i can proudly call myself a university student currently studying accounting and in four years time i will be a professional accountant.

my first day in the university

I was also able to archive a handwork that brings me little and from there i have been providing some little things i need for myself self and sometimes i also give my mom little from the profit i get in my work. I have always wanted to be helping my parents with the house hold expensise and with ny current status am sure within one more year everything will fall into place.

my current picture

I am currently doing well in my new environment and i am also very happy with the little things i have been able to archive in this few period of time and i am sure that with time i will archive more than i have already archived because am working on a project of opening my own shop. So i am glad i took the decision of leaving my comfort zone because without that decision I won't be able to archive what i have archived today.

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