Living through Love / WEEK 142 - Weekend Engagement initiative


Welcome dear Hivers! I hope you are enjoying a great weekend.

This week one of the topics proposed for the Weekend-Engagement initiative by the Weekend Experiences community resonated with me.

Would you rather be Loved or Hated?


As I read the question, the answer came to my mind instantly: always choose Love, the way of Love.

A long time ago I read a book on the Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz and I understood that the path of Fear, which I was walking at that time, entailed a lot of suffering.

There had to be another way of seeing life and doing things, a more luminous and simpler way, and that was definitely through the eyes of Love.

When we are born we are programmed to love, we love ourselves as we are, we love others without judgment and we love and enjoy life minute by minute, however with domestication, the way we were raised, difficult experiences and limiting beliefs imposed by society and our environment we are losing that ability and we are getting closer and closer to fear.

After reflecting on this situation, I felt I had to do something about it and I set out to cultivate Love within myself to expand it around me through loving kindness, respect and acceptance of others without judgment.

At first it was not an easy task, but little by little love was gaining ground in me and I began to share with other people who had this same motto of seeing life through love and learning from them to have a more peaceful and fulfilling life.


Being hated is definitely not part of my ideals in life. People who do wrong and become hated show deep down a great need for love and deep emotional wounds that weaken them.

As the song "La Vida Es" (Macallister Project and Raquel Eugenio) says you will understand that behind hatred and evil there is only weakness.

It is also true that we cannot be a gold coin for everyone and at some point we will become a villain for someone, many times without wanting it or simply someone will not like us.

However, this should not be an impediment to seek to live from and for love.

If Love is the most powerful force in the universe, then I prefer to be on this side of the polarity and with a pure heart give my love to others and allow myself to be loved as well.

To end this post I want to share with you a writing that struck me some time ago by the famous writer Emmett Fox about love, which I heard for the first time in the song "Hindsight" by the English band Anathema.

There is no evil that cannot be cured with enough love. There is no door that cannot be opened with enough love. There is no chasm that sufficient love cannot cross. There is no wall that enough love cannot break down, no sin that enough love cannot redeem. No matter how deep-rooted the difficulty, how hopeless the prospect, or how confusing the confusion seems. Nor does it matter how great the error. A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all. And if you could love enough, you would be the happiest and most powerful person in the world.


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