Engagement week 224 To erase memories is to lose ourselves

Nice weekend for everyone in the community, I really like to participate in the Engagement every weekend, sometimes I find it hard to select the topic I am going to discuss, but I do reflect on each topic because I find them very interesting and motivate me to learn and also to understand others with different opinions, so there is always a personal growth even if your content is not curated and this is one of the advantages fe hive.

This week I chose the topic that deals with the existence of a miracle drug that has the ability to erase from our memory the last 10 years of your life. All memories, both difficult and happy moments, would be lost.

I confirm from the bottom of my heart that with my 60 years of life, what terrifies me most is to lose my memory, to keep it I do many things including trying to train it every day, learning new things including digital technology, working with the blockchain and thousands of other things.

Memory is significant in our lives, without it we would be lost, our life would be meaningless because it is the one that allows us to store our experiences, learning, emotions and connections with other people.

These last 10 years have been very difficult for me, because when you are over 50 years old you start to lose your youthful spirits and you begin to feel the passing of the years, socially you begin to perceive that you have to adjust your life project because the socioeconomic measures that the country is taking affect you.

For example the retirement age changed from 50 years to 55 years, the monetary changes that have been made have depressed the currency and therefore its purchasing power, and like that thousands of other things that affect your rhythm.

During this period my parents passed away and my children left the country. For one reason or another I lost very significant and valuable people, these events have left deep traces in me.

However, I do not want to forget that in the midst of these painful moments they made me grow as a human being and I enjoyed the love, gratitude and pride of my parents until their last days, I unconditionally supported my children in their projects and I have been able to breathe easy to see how they have been able to achieve their goals and how day after day they make me feel proud of the people they are.

If I erase just one of my experiences, it would leave me lost and it would cost me a lot to learn to manage my emotions, I would not know how to understand the turn of my life, nor would I have the strength or the ability to redirect it, because every moment, happy or sad, calm or turbulent, teaches us and allows us to root our values and essence.


I think that to be in harmony with ourselves, we must preserve our memory because it is what identifies us, which connects us with who we are, instead of erasing our memories we must accept them, overcome them and strengthen us, grow and have a basis to be better.

I appreciate your reading all comments are welcome, as always my thanks to @galenok for these interesting proposals.

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I used the translator DeepL

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