WE107] Weekend-Engagement: What bugs me? You ask, I answer!

I've never been one of those people that complains about everything and anything, but lately, RL has found the way to turn me into one in a way I really dislike, so, when I saw that one of the suggested topics was things that bug me, I told myself it'd be a nice way to vent about what I'm living in this moment in particular. So, you suggested:

List three things that bug or annoy you, give examples, explain why those things bug you and how it impacts upon your life.
Here we go.
Number one: It bugs me to be sick! I've always tried to keep myself as healthy as possible even more so being a mom and having to do most things around the house. Yes, hubby helps A LOT, but there's things that either I like to do myself, or he's not that comfortable doing, or does not know how to handle like I do, cause I'm a bit of a perfectionist, which also bugs me sometimes! So, not being able to bring my A game to what I Need to do is the main thing bugging me at this moment. Not having the energy to deal with everyday life is the worst feeling, I get really frustrated by that, even though I know it only makes my health worse.
Number two: Linked to number one, having little to none "ME TIME" bugs me a lot as well. One of the things I'm most proud about is being head of a family, taking care of everyone is very satisfying but I think there's gotta be a balance cause, if you *always* give 100% of yourself to others, there's going to be zero left of yourself for yourself. I need my time too, I wanna sit and watch a tv show, or play on my phone, do my nails or WRITE! without being called eight hundred times!
And last but not least annoying! Number three: I'm not bugged by my kids BUT there's this new thing my eldest is doing lately that bugs the socks outta me and it is that she is constantly calling "mom" And the when I come or ask what she wants or needs she says nothing... Like that scene of "Family guy".
I know kids do this to kind of let us know they want us or appreciate us or even miss us, but, God!!!
Hopefully everything will resolve eventually like it always does, but for now, thank you so much to this awesome community for giving the chance and suggestion to vent a bit about this little passenger things! *hopes she makes it to Dateline* **All gifs belong to tenor**
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