Weekend with Magical Woody

Helloooooooooo Monday!

Yes I am back to my writing mood, hopefully this will sustani not just for this week.. lolz. As previously discussed, I loved writing a lot because it brings out the best in me. I feel that I can truly be myself when I write. I conside writing here as an online diary. I have been keeping tabs of my journal during my single years. I think I missed those days where literally writing on a book or a planner was still handy. Unlike now, it seems that online writing is more convenient especially not only I get to share what's in my pretty head but as well as communicate and connect to other people.

So for now, the weekend was a BLAAAAST!

One of the sweetest thing happened to us was WOODY!!!!

This was taken eons ago! hahaha lolz to eons, sorry for the exagrerrated figure of speeech. hahahaha...
Yes the picture belowe was snapped I think in year 2014 with my first born Maque boy. We could not really afford the plush toy of Woody because it was out of our budget. We kept borrowing Woody from Kuya Tama who is the son of my equally gorgeous momma @twodorks. Woody has brought so much fun memories and playtimes that these two kids playing together. They both super looooooved CARS and of course Woody. He is their special Pal that had always been their sleeping buddy as well. They find comfort and safe zone in the arms of Woody. They would always carry Woody wherever these two cute boys go.




Then just this weekend, I was busy doing sorting chores and the little one, MaxiBoy was busy watching his favorite cartoons on the TV, keeping him pre-occupied while I was busy 'cuz if not he would be annoying me instead.. hahaha..

So as I was about to collect him for his afternoon naps, I found him asleep with Woody!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I immediately became sentimental and I had looked for my missing phone underneath the pillows (which took me awhile by the way) and captured the moment.😊

But something is missing in this scene. I kept thinking and thinking.. until I found it!

I actually placed Woody's hat to even make it graaaand.
Thaaaaaat is sooooo sweeeeeeet Woody! Thank you for making another kid happy by your side.


Suddenly, while I was busy checking my phones for the snaps I took (yep I took a loooooooot 😂), trying to find the best angle and ligthing. When I turn my head back at them, I found Woody has moved! I felt my heartbeat jumped a little.

Sooooo it is really true that they are alive?? and can talk??? 😵😲
Wooooooooody talk to me?!!!


Naaaaaaaaahh... it's a praaaaaank! he would neber reveal to any HUMAN that they can magically come to life whenever no one is watching. But I got you buddy! Your secrets are safe with me.


Woody's undying love, devotion and loyalty to his friends will never ever be replaced by any amount of new toy. Friendship really do matters for both human and toys. Playtime is always the best times shared and will forever me treasured in our hearts. The greatest of all is having to sleep beside them eh. Don't cha think?!


I'm pretty sure Woody would loooooove to hug you back tightly kiddo! He wouldn't missed the chance to do so. And that feels sooooooo right. My heart is melting for this scene. I feel you Woody!


Let's zoom a bit. Check out those eyes, don't you think Woody is genuinely looking so happy back at my kid?... Ahhhh.. Woody we love you so much!!!!


Oh yeah! That was one magical moment in our lives. MaxiBoy is my third child, but still Woody has proven to capture every kid's heart once touched and played. I am just too overwhelmed that Woody has been a great part of our family, from my sister to mine. I love the fact that we had sustained the existence of Woody in our lives.

Thank your dear sister for gifting us Woody, you know very well that he will be taken care and love so much by the three monkeys. I think you had given Woody to us eons ago too.. hahahahaha.. it was only recently that I was able to share it here. We do looooove to play old toys, as they say OLD TOYS never seem TOO OLD to play with. I am as well glad that we kept them all in our treasure trunk. We do not really spoil the kids in buying too many toys that they woould just play little because boredone always sits in. Good thing, Maque's toys were still ALIVE till Maxiboy's turn to play with them too. I think as per observations, Maqueboy and Maxiboy share the same passion for toys like CARS and WOODY. I rarely see Maliboy plays that much toys, maybe because he gets bored too easily. He would rather be in action and play outside, while the other two can just stay home and play by themselves.

I guess childhood do brings too many memories as they build up their skills and capability along. Let us not take that away frome them, kids will be kids. Let them have it. They can never be little for too long. Let them enjoooooooy this time before gadgets take a toll in them. Maqueboy is already being hooked over phone games, but I had installed a locked system in his phone so I can monitor his phone hours. We do allow for extensions if he had done some chores in lieu of the extended hours he request. We give him only four (4) hours per day, because he is really into his phone these days. We hate to see that his face would grow some keypad..lolz..
If you want to know the app, I might share and discuss it in another thread. Just do let me know and comment down if you are interested.

Soooo, the weekend with Woody!


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