The Fuming Me

I don't know how people come up with these weird writing prompts all the time, no wonder they say Hive is all about being creativity. This weekend I saw @galenkp latest post for the Weekend Community and one of the topic was called The food you

Using only food, create an image of yourself, take a photo of it and write at least 250 words about your food masterpiece of yourself.

Jesus! When you were a child did your mum not tell you not to play with your food!!!???? Grow up!!!!

Anyway I waited eagerly to see what would pop up in the Weekend Engagement community as food is always a very popular topic on Hive.

Lots of people posted about one of the other topic The last post - If this weekend was the last weekend that the Hive blockchain existed, what would you write in your last post. It almost felt so real, like everyone made out that the chain would really disappear next week 😣 But there was no food! What happened? I want my food!!!! I started this draft post last night when there was none but miraculous one brilliant one appeared over night from @jane1289.

Anyway, I thought I'd do one as well in case Lady Jane Bread feels a bit lonely, though mine is no way as elaborate as Lady Jane Bread. Let me introduce you to The Fuming Me.

I had limited ingredients at home. A good friend just came back from holiday and bought me a lovely bottle of basil infused olive oil. I also had a packet of smoked salmon and garlic oil infused king prawns sitting in the fridge for a week. The tomatoes were from my front garden, a couple have ripen since I took this photo. Plus the lettuce, was perfect to make a salad for lunch.


I didn't take any photos when I was making The Fuming Me as I had to handle the salmon and king prawns which were quite messy. The lettuce leaves is my head exploding with rage, the tomatoes on the side is blood shooting out from my ears, and the salmon is me trying very hard not to swear. And the olive oil is tears dripping down my face, but I deleted that photo by mistake 😅 This is how I feel when I see people cheating and abusing on Hive which happens more often than I would like, hence The Fuming Me

Since my mum taught me not to play with my food, I quickly deconstructed The Fuming Me after I took the photo and tucked into my lunch. Am feeling a lot better now. Peace.

By the way, I only realised afterwards the king prawns aren't real king prawns. The are made from white fish pretending to be king prawns. Yuck! Imposter and cheaters have crept into The Fuming Me!!!! 😡🤬😡

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