Weekend Experience - A Joyous Sunday at Church: Children’s Dance Celebrations

Weekends are exceptionally known for enjoyment and exploration in my routine. One of the enjoyments is spending quality time in church on Sundays. Last Sunday was a special moment with the kids in my church; though it wasn’t a planned service slated to celebrate the kids, rather, as fate had it the kids’ mood showed that last Sunday was a beautiful time with God. What made me notice this was their exuberant spirits through dance in the praise session.

In my church, every first and third Sunday of the month, the kids join the adults to fellowship together; fortunately, it was a third Sunday and the kids used that opportunity fellowshipping with the adults to show excitement in God’s presence. This joy was transferred to the congregation as they joined in the unbridled joy, accompanied by some dance steps.
The excitement increased in church when parents saw their kids displaying an enthusiastic character of adoration to God. This innocence and pure joy in the faces of the children caused infectious smiles and laughter throughout the praise session.

The music, lively and rhythms from the choir and instrumentalists complemented the spark of the congregation's happiness. Most of the songs during the praise session were common songs that kids love to hear, as it was repeatedly sung, they danced uncontrollably. Even though they may not understand the lyrics of the songs, it was a display of the vibrant spirit of the church's youth and a reminder of the joy that our faith in God can bring into our lives.

Watching the children dance made me rush in to join them because it keeps my memory fresh on the times when I was a dancing child. The energy they exerted indicated a beautiful representation of the church's future, filled with potential. More so, it was a beautiful thing seeing the teachers allowing the kids to express themselves; such nurturing is to be encouraged because it builds the kids’ confidence.

At the end of the praise, there was a great shout showing of victory expressing an adoration to God, and the dance ended with a clapping of hands as the children returned to their seats with their faces flushed with happiness.

Such a lovely weekend! Even though the kids will be in their children's church session next Sunday, I will live to remember the lovely excitement they expressed.

Note: All pictures were originally captured by me

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