My Other Life | Weekend-Engagement 228

The weekend themes that Galenkp offers us coincide with a time of reflection that I have been living since last year, specifically since my dad died. First there are the dreams related to my longings, to the things I have wanted to achieve and that after a very dark mourning I started to work on them again, and it was for this year that I have returned to the life I built so much, in fact new dreams are still being born and I think I already have the tools and determination to build them properly, from goal to goal. But today I want to focus on another kind of dreams, the ones that come every night while I sleep and that have also intensified since the events of my 2023; a very strange world that I call My Other Life...

Do Dreams Really Mean Something?

Lately I have been thinking yes, but they need to be deciphered. Recently in my short stay in Medellin, Colombia I had the honor of talking face to face with my friend and personal psychologist Fernando, and strangely enough the subject of dreams came up. Until that moment I simply thought that I had traumas, and that those traumas led me to have strange dreams and nightmares, but in reality I realized that they have practically been premonitory dreams, and I didn't want to accept it. To give you a recent example, I had a dream about my wife's father two days before his death, and although the dream was not exactly about his departure from this world, when I woke up I knew what was going to happen. I didn't want to tell my wife how I felt about it, but I did tell her that I had dreamt about her dad, I didn't say more, but she knows that I have had this kind of dreams lately and in fact it also happened to me with a great friend of Hive, Master Lecumberre, I had recurring dreams about him and one of them made me organize a week of tribute in life in the Hive Open Mic community, but then I dreamt about him again a few days before the end.

Fernando tells me that these are special abilities, and he tells me that many people have them, I have had this feeling since my dad's first attack, two weeks before his death. That day I woke up crying and told my wife who was sleeping next to me that I was afraid I would end up in the hospital that night. That same night the ambulance arrived home at 9 p.m. and the rest was the worst two weeks of my life. The good thing about all this is that in a way I was prepared to deal with what was coming and support the rest of my family, just like the birthday cake that I insisted on celebrating for my wife the day before her father's death and in their house, and the same strength that made me organize the tribute to Lecumberre in life, because those are the best tributes, so that the person feels the affection of the people who love them.

I'm going to be honest, I really don't like this, it makes me feel uncomfortable and I thought that at my age there wouldn't be this kind of surprises that other people usually have since childhood, but I'm learning to see the positive side and use it in favor of doing something for related people. Anyway, my dreams have always been very strange, and I don't know if it happens to other people as it does to me, but I practically have another life that starts as soon as I fall asleep.

My dreams are like a soap opera, wherever I ended the night before, I start my dreams again where they left off, it is a continuity always, for many years. I always dream about the same house, a house that I have never seen when I am awake, but I go back to it every night, I visit the same places and the same people and in fact my dad is present every night in my dreams, sometimes I have the conscience that he already died, sometimes he is alive, and sometimes I relive the trauma, but he is there every night, and something that surprises me a lot is that my wife, my mom and my brother do not remember their dreams, to the point of saying that they do not dream at night, but that is not so, science says that we all dream all night long, but why does not everyone remember their dreams?

It's not something new in my life, I remember the most shocking dreams for as long as I can remember, especially the nightmares, and that's another thing that has changed since my dad died. These premonitory dreams are new, but before I lived from nightmare to nightmare. When I was four years old, I dreamed about the devil himself, and about a room where he lived in the house my parents rented at that time. As an adult, my mom recently told me that many things happened in that house and she saw some goblins when she was awake. If it wasn't my mom I wouldn't believe her, but she never talks about paranormal things, and in fact what she tells me coincides with my dreams.... The day we moved out of that house my dad had to go back alone to get a couple of boxes and a rosary that had been left in the window, and when he came home he told us that rosary was burned. I can't tell you why it burned, if it was something supernatural or a malicious neighbor, but I can tell you that it was good to leave that house, and my dreams already warned me about it, but I was only five or six years old? Now I see everything with more clarity and maturity...

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