WE87 Posting Topics: Three People - Eliminating 3 Military Dictators from Nigeria's History

It's another #weekend-engagement initiatives by @galenkp and his team, kudos to you guys for the good work every weekend. My entry for this weekend engagement will focus on:
Option three: The elimination:

You have the power to completely eliminate any three people from the planet, relatives included, either from the present or the past. Who would you choose, why and how do you think their elimination would affect the future, or your future specifically.

My reasons of choosing The Elimination options and the 3 persons involved is because of the setbacks and corruption they exhibited as Military Heads of States. They include General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, General Sani Abacha and General Babatunde Abdulbaki Idiagbon. These 3 Generals brought untold hardship to both Nigerians and the economy.

The Beginning
The atrocities and calamities committed by military dictators in Nigeria is overwhelming, they include; the relegation of the constitution to the background and replacing it with Military Edicts. One of the peculiarities of these three regimes was the abundance of human rights abuses all over Nigeria by military officers. There was increase of rape case and teenage pregnancy. No freedom of information and journalism. They hated democratic tenets, that's why as the presiding judge today, I present their cases to this honorable juri:

  • General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida took over power from a coup d'etat in 1985 from General Mohamadu Buhari (the current Nigerian President) and rules until 1993. He's popularly known as IBB.

Count Charges Against IBB

  • Crime against humanity. Under this count charge, his regime was responsible for the death of numerous innocent citizens of Nigeria, most especially the death Dele Giwa a seasoned Journalist who was bond enough to report in the daily newspaper about the ills of the IBB administration.
  • Money Laundry. With the high level of corruption in operation during the IBB regime, he was known for shifting money meant for the development and betterment of Nigeria.
  • Annulment of the June 12, 1993, general elections
  • Constantly obstructing the freedom of expression of citizens.
  • Refusing the 1979 constitution to prevail during his regime.


  • General Sani Abacha
    General Sani Abacha took over power from General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida in 1993 through a military coup d'etat and rule until 1998.

Count Charges against General Sani Abacha:

  • Murder of several innocent Nigerians, most especially Saro Wiwa and the Ogoni 12. They were sentenced to death by hanging by the Abacha regime because they agitated for the Movement of the Ogoni people in Rivers State, Nigeria. Other mass murder activities were available during his regime.
  • Money Laundry. It should be noted even after 20 years of Abacha's death Nigerian government is still receiving Abacha loots from overseas.
  • Refusal to handover to civilian government.


General Babatunde Abdulbaki Idiagbon
General Idiagbon was the Vice to General Muhamadu Buhari but was more or less the Head of State of Nigeria. He took most vital decisions in the government.

Count Charges against General Babatunde Idiagbon

  • He masterminded most of the killings and underground executions during the Buhari regime.
  • Conspirator
  • Money Laundry.


Based on the above count charges presented to this honorable juri I Justice @inspiredbyhive have found these 3 Generals guilty of crimes against humanity and have sentenced to elimination by Firing Squad. Court Arise!

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