[Week 149] Deforestation: Afforestation is the solution.


Deforestation has always seemed to me an extremely selfish and mercantilist act, since it is only about the benefit of a few against the welfare of humanity in general, because although it sounds exaggerated is what happens when it is carried out, there are so many negative aspects that bring with it the fact of deforesting that for me it will always be something 100% illegitimate. In recent years, great controversies have arisen around the fact that for the plantation of palm oil, thousands and thousands of hectares of trees are deforested and as a consequence, entire populations of animals that live in these habitats are severely affected.

This being something really serious, campaigns have been created against the consumption of certain snacks and chocolate creams that contain palm oil as a main ingredient, in order to create awareness in us consumers of how serious it is to buy this type of products, as we indirectly contribute without even knowing it to deforestation. That is why every day there are more environmentalists or nature lovers who put aside the consumption of these products, in order to contribute a small grain of sand in the fight against the production of palm oil.


Trees and the habitat of hundreds of animals, should always be the priority in order to begin to provide solutions to environmental problems that arise due to these and other practices that threaten the normal development of nature. Therefore, as a nature lover, I am aware of the great damage that affects the species that inhabit these places and, as if that were not enough, the ecological impact of this whole issue, I do not think it is something to be taken lightly, since trees are extremely important for the production of oxygen, which is vital for life to exist on the planet.

I remember that about two years ago in the area where I live, arbitrarily and without even thinking about the damage that was being committed, they cut down some weeping willows that were many years old, it was an act against the environment, which was contested, as it was done by workers of the mayor's office and no one took responsibility for this unfortunate fact. Consequently, every day it is more necessary to practice afforestation, to comply with this as a means by which we can try to counteract deforestation.

This is my entry for the weekend engagement proposed by @galenkp


Thank you for reading and appreciating my writing

Photographs taken with my Tecno camon 18p cell phone.

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