It's a triple B today... Baptism, Birthday and Bound to Moalboal

Today seems like a very busy day for me - From attending the Baptism of my friend's child to celebrating my Dad's Birthday and Bound to travel to Moalboal at around 3:00pm. Well, let us dig in but I promise it's just a quick glimpse into my hectic but fun day. Thanks to @ybanezkim26 I'm about to end my day in a positive note.



A long time friend from Dubai just recently gave birth to her lovely son and I've supported her all throughout her pregnancy journey. She is like one of my sisters. Met her back when we were in college and up until now our relationship has gone stronger. You definitely seldom find people you go through life together.

I just had the honor to be her son's godmother although thinking I am already a godmother of 11 kids, I'm really not sure as to the reason why I'm always chosen but so far when I go through the list of the parents or friends who chose me, I have made authentic connections and relationships with them. And this I always value. I am for authentic people.

The event was held at a nearby chapel. There were a lot of people. Those who are oblivious to this pandemic and just didn't mind being close to each. I'm still not sure how to react to situations like this but I was glad it only took an hour - 30 minutes for the pre-baptism seminar followed by the actual baptism itself with also took 30 minutes. As always, I offered my services to take some photos. After the mandatory photo-ops, I hurriedly bid my goodbye and went home straight.





When I got home, my brother was still grilling some squid and my mom was still cooking shrimps. I helped out after I took a quick bath. We were expecting some guests but at the last minute they backed out. Mom was a bit pissed because we prepared a LOT of food. Well, my brother did say "Well, more for us!" And we enjoyed a sumptuous lunch with just us family..

Anyways, I will not missed out on letting you know that our birthday celebrant - MY DAD JUST TURNED 58! We celebrated his birthday today since its the only time where we can gather together without any other commitments.

Anyways, Happy Birthday Dad. I'll always be grateful for the effort and hardwork you do to support our family up until now. I know you will always be that person who gives a lot and gives it all - it gives you joy to be able to help and serve others. Thank you for instilling in me values and principles that have helped me become a better person. You always said that no matter where I go, who I am with and whatever I do - not to risk my integrity. This has been my guiding principle up until now. So cheers to you, Dad!






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At about 3:00pm, @ybanezkim26 already informed me that he was ready for our trip bound for Moalboal. As for me, I was also ready as well but I requested to meet up with him after 30 minutes because of an important decision that I need to do. I had to end some connections that are no longer in alignment with or compromise my values and principles.

And with that, I did left my house with a heavy heart but I had to stay true to myself and for what I believe in. And it seems the sky was aligned with my emotions that it sent a heavy rainfall. 😅 Grateful that my brother offered to give me a ride to the bus station where I was to meet Kim. Me and @ybanezkim26 left the bus terminal at 4:00pm. You should already know by now why we keep coming back to our happy place. 😁

Our bus trip was quite productive. Long conversations about random stuffs. I tell you, it's never a boring one with him. After 3 hours of endless talk, we arrived here at our happy place. Simply just being here is a fresh of breath air and was just the break I needed badly. We went out to this cool place namely HUNGRY MONKEYS for our dinner. As much I wanted to dine at the place, there were some unruly customers looking for some attention so we opted to take out our food. But it was not in vain for the Big Daddy Hungarian Sausage was so delicious! That's it for now. I'll see you on my next blog.




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