Items In My handbags || Weekend Experience Week 224

It's very impossible for me to go out without carrying a handbag. A handbag is a small bag that can be used to carry our personal items along with us whenever we are going out. They come in different designs, sizes, shapes, and brands. Although I have many handbags, this specific one posted above still remains my favorite. I take it with me everywhere I go because it's easy to carry and matches any outfit perfectly.

Whenever I'm going out, be it work, shopping, or outing, I always take this special handbag with me. Inside it you can find both my office and room keys, my small purse where I store my ID cards, ATM cards, and money, my phone, pen, and earpiece or ear-pods since I love music a lot and I love listening to it almost all the time. Storing items in a handbag is the best and smartest way to keep them safe and prevent them from getting lost.

Well, I don't used to wear makeup or lipstick at all, so I didn't have it or keep it in my handbag. However, I used to keep some balms or Vaseline in my handbag. I take them with me in case I have dry skin or if the weather is too harsh, so I can apply it. Those are the few things I always keep in my handbag whenever I go out. Using a handbag helps to protect my belongings from loss or theft, and it also keeps my things well organized and easily accessible whenever I need it.

This is my respond to the question asked on weekend experiences week 224 "ladies what's in your handbag and why"

All images used are mine.

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