Time is Fleeting


A deep and thought provoking topic and question was presented for the #weekend-engagement writing topics. The question is: "If you had two lives available to you how would you use the second one differently based on what you learned in the first?"

This question was easy to answer for me. I would value time and relationships much more than I did in the first life. I think most of this life I have taken these two items for granted.

Given a second life, I would know that time is fleeting and make more time for nurturing my connection with those I love and my friends. I would priortize having experiences over my career.

It can be real easy to get caught up in ones career and I was no exception. I allowed time with my loved ones and friends to slop through the cracks many times.

It is clear to me know and I have a better understanding of what truly mattered. However, it is also not to late. I have been, for a couple months now, been trying to re-establish connections with several friends and family I have lost connection with over the years.

This seems to be a good step forward in having this realization before my death bed. I am sure many will say it is never to reconnect with folks from your past and start nurturing those relationships again.

This small effort has required me to settle my nerves and make an intentional effort to rebuild connections. However, it has been difficult due to the fact I had a mental break a few years back and burnt a lot of those bridges I beleive. That said, I am making strides and reaching out to people at least.

Whether they respond or not, or in a positive manner is something I am still coming to grips with. For now I just move on, but maybe someday I will try a little harder to repair those relationships.

For now, I want to focus on reconnecting with all the ones I am able to.

Thanks for reading,

-All content is mine unless otherwise annotated.
-Images are my own unless otherwise noted.
-Photos edited using MS Paint.
-Page Dividers from The Terminal Discord.


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