Remarkable beauties of the opposite sex (WEEK 229)

Not all women are the same, not all men are the same, not all tastes are the same, that is what makes life beautiful, diversity.


Today I asked myself... will I talk about work, conflicts or situations and performances? I'd better talk about my own tastes, always considering that this is my personal opinion.

My tastes may or may not coincide with the majority, and since I don't see what others see, I say that even in this I am rare.

I don't usually like things that most people see as attractive in the opposite sex, in men, like being handsome, blondes, muscular and all those things.

And I only have to mention three things that I like, being very specific. But they can be physical things or not. So I think I'll say three of each. Because people are not only physical, in fact, what matters, at least for me, is the rest.

There have always been certain physical things that catch my attention, maybe they are details, but I like them.

  • One of them is the voice, a voice that resonates well to my ear, that is deep but not loud. I think I have an issue with shouting and loud speaking that I don't like at all. So the voice is something that I quickly take into account.

A different voice, out of the ordinary, but definitely not high pitched.

  • The second physical thing that I like a lot and of course I look at are the hands. Hands mean work above all and I like hands that are, how to say, man hands, not delicate hands with thin fingers, but strong, sturdy hands. The shape of big hands is something I like.

Firm, strong hands, that when you greet someone else you notice that imposing greeting and not a soft woman's hand. I think you get my point.

  • The third thing I love is the eyes, or rather the look. I always say that the look says everything and although I put it in third place I think it is one of the most important things I like.

A look can decide if I like that person or not, because for me personally, it transmits a lot. I can see inside.

A look that is intense, firm, that doesn't stray. A look with a certain mischievousness, but with chivalry. Yes, I know that the physical is mixed with the spirit, but the look is special. As I always say, in order for me to like it, it must be a look that transmits security, strength and is interesting.


Of course there are more things, but I could only mention three. But there are things that are not physical but rather personality or spiritual and I can't fail to mention them and there will also be three.

The order does not imply importance, I think they all make a harmonious whole.

  • Respect is one of the things I value most in a man and that includes many things. It means that he will take me into account, my tastes, my day to day life, he will listen to me. Respect is something very valuable in these times, respecting the way I am is something fundamental.

It implies that he is a correct man, not vulgar, that he knows how to place himself in every circumstance with me and with others. Respect includes many other things, such as patience, understanding and attention.

  • Secondly, I love it when a man is interesting. Yes, it is a very ambiguous word. But he must have something that attracts me, which I can't quite define. I suppose it's something that can be detected on another energetic level, maybe it has to do with intuition.

Interesting, out of the ordinary, but not easily detectable, but I do. An extra factor that not all men have. I guess an equal, like reflecting myself in a mirror, something subtle but appealing. How hard to explain... a lot.

  • The third thing I like in a man is practicality. Unlike women, men are practical, they are quick to solve problems, they get to the point. Of course there are women like that, we are not all the same. But men don't mess around. .... Well, not all of them.

Within this quality is the detail that, when faced with a problem, a man can see a path that I didn't see because I got caught up in my thoughts, and maybe it was a simple path and I don't see it. I love listening so it would be a good combination. It makes me see what maybe I'm missing. And that's very good and I value it very much.


As I said before, of course there are more things I like, but these are the ones that came to my mind first. And in the case of those that belong to the personality, I can see them not only in relation to me, but I like to observe them in relation to other people, how that man behaves.

And you, what else do you like about the opposite sex? It's a great topic of the many that @galenkp offers us in the great weekend topics proposed.

Thank you all very much for reading me, I send you a big hello and wish you a great weekend.

All photographs are my own.

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