It's Time for rEVOLution!


During Ron Paul's presidential campaign in 2008 it was fellow #voluntaryist Ernest Hancock who coined the word rEVOLution by finding the word LOVE within Revolution.

So full credit for this image goes to Ernest of Freedom's Phoenix.

It would be cool if Canadians who are seeking freedom start using this banner too.

Writing the word rEVOLution as apposed to Revolution - constantly reminds both us, and our philosophical adversaries, that our side stands for peaceful and voluntary change.

Almost everyone can be reasoned with. Except for a small minority of total sociopaths,all of the people who disagree with you can be reasoned with... in theory.

I will never advocate violence to achieve political or post-political ends. I understand that the ends do not justify the means. It is the means that determine the ends.

Stalin had no problem breaking a few million eggs to make his omelette.

We're better than Stalin.

A rEVOLution via free thought and peaceful action is the only way to achieve our common goal of building a free society where all inhabitants of Canada have the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

rEVOLution... copy this image and unleash it's brilliance upon Canadians.

This is an information war - a culture war - and the best memes will infect the most minds.

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