Hive Swap Showdown: Comparing the Best Options for Your Token Conversions

Hive Swap Showdown.gif

Are you looking to convert your HIVE or HBD tokens, but not sure where to turn? Look no further!

In this article, we'll introduce you to various swap and conversion services available on the Hive blockchain, compare their features and fees, and help you find the best options for different use cases.

With Hive-Engine's standard 0.75% fee for depositing and withdrawing, it's important to consider the alternatives that may offer better rates. We will also be tagging the various projects and key people involved, so you can easily explore and follow them on Hive.

At the end of the article, we have a table that gives the quick details and access links to all the services we researched.

Let's dive in!

Use Case 1: Cheapest Consistent Swaps for No Investment

For users who want the cheapest swaps available, look no further than @hiveupme's uSwap. uSwap offers a consistently low HIVE swap fee of 0.10% without any extra investment required. Additionally, uSwap provides a 10% fee refund in VAULT tokens when swapping HIVE, further reducing the effective swap fee. uSwap, created by @theguruasia, also offers occasional free swaps when one side of the bridge has less than 15% total liquidity balance.

Use Case 2: Occasional Free Swaps for No Extra Investment


As mentioned in Use Case 1, @hiveupme's uSwap occasionally offers free swaps when one side of the bridge has less than 15% total liquidity balance. With consistent fees of 0.1% otherwise, uSWAP is the lowest-fee option overall.


@beeswap's BeeSwap, on the other hand, offers free swaps on the side that has liquidity below 10,000 HIVE/SWAP.HIVE. This is particularly useful when the side you want to swap is low. However, keep in mind that BeeSwap's fees are higher than uSwap otherwise (0.25%), so it may not always be your best option

Use Case 3: Free/Discounted Swaps with Investment

For users looking for free or discounted swaps with some investment, @oneup-cartel's Cartel.Swap and @hiveupme's uSwap offer attractive options.

OneUp Cartel's Cartel.Swap

Cartel.Swap by OneUp Cartel, led by @flauwy, provides discounts on swap fees for users holding CARTEL tokens. The discounts range from a 0.25% to 0.00% fee for HIVE and a 0.40% to 0.00% fee for HBD conversions. Users need to hold a certain amount of CARTEL tokens to enjoy the reduced fees:

  • 0 CARTEL: HIVE fee 0.25%, HBD fee 0.40%
  • 1+ CARTEL: HIVE fee 0.20%, HBD fee 0.30%
  • 10+ CARTEL: HIVE fee 0.15%, HBD fee 0.20%
  • 30+ CARTEL: HIVE fee 0.10%, HBD fee 0.15%
  • 60+ CARTEL: HIVE fee 0.05%, HBD fee 0.10%
  • 100+ CARTEL: HIVE fee 0.00%, HBD fee 0.00%

Please note that there are some limitations, such as a 1 HIVE/HBD minimum swap amount and a 300 HIVE/HBD maximum swap amount (daily).


@hiveupme's uSwap, created by @theguruasia, provides free swaps for users who contribute liquidity to the platform. Users can earn 0.075% instant rewards and free swaps by providing 15% liquidity on the lower side of the bridge. uSwap also offers a 10% fee refund in VAULT tokens when swapping HIVE, further reducing the effective swap fee. The VAULT tokens can be swapped for HIVE or SWAP.HIVE via the uSwap app.

uSwap's Mini Swap offers similar benefits for users who provide liquidity. By contributing 20% liquidity on the lower side of the bridge, users can earn 0.14% instant rewards and free swaps!

Use Case 4: Converting HBD

For users seeking to convert HBD, the only service on our list that supports HBD conversions is @oneup-cartel's Cartel.Swap. As mentioned in Use Case 3, Cartel.Swap offers a sliding scale of fees based on the user's CARTEL token holdings, with fees ranging from 0.40% to 0.00%.

Use Case 5: Swaps that Reward You for Using the Service

Some swap services reward their users for using their platform. @beeswap's BeeSwap and @hiveupme's uSwap are two such options that provide incentives to their users in the form of tokens or discounts.


BeeSwap, developed by @gerber and @scriptioner, is a bridge service between HIVE and its Hive-Engine equivalent, SWAP.HIVE. They offer a 0.25% fee for deposits and withdrawals and share rewards with their liquidity providers and BXT token stakers.

When converting on the side with liquidity below 5,000 tokens, users receive approximately 0.11% return from conversion in BXT (max. 3 BXT). Additionally, BeeSwap offers free conversions on the side with liquidity below 10,000 HIVE/SWAP.HIVE.


uSwap, created by @theguruasia, rewards its users by providing a 10% fee refund in VAULT tokens when swapping HIVE. This allows them to maintain a low swap fee of 0.09%. Users can also instantly swap VAULT to HIVE or SWAP.HIVE via the uSwap app. VAULT is designed to be pegged to HIVE at a rate of 1:10.

Use Case 6: Convenient Trading with Lower Deposit/Withdraw Fees

For those who value the convenience of trading tokens and lower deposit/withdraw fees, @leofinance's LeoDEX is an excellent choice.


LeoDEX, a project led by @khaleelkazi, is a decentralized exchange that offers all the key features of Hive-Engine and Tribaldex, but with a cheaper way to deposit and withdraw HIVE. With no fees to trade and a 0.25% deposit/withdraw fee, LeoDEX provides a more cost-effective solution for trading tokens on the Hive blockchain.

Use Case 7: Lowest Minimum Swap

For users looking to swap small amounts of tokens, HivePay Swap by @jongolson and the @ctptalk community provides a convenient option. With a low minimum swap amount of 0.001 HIVE and a fee of only 0.20%, HivePay Swap aims to make the process of swapping tokens easy and affordable.

Liquidity Matters: Check All Options

When swapping tokens on the Hive blockchain, it's important to consider the liquidity of the swap service you're using. Liquidity plays a crucial role in determining the success and efficiency of your transactions. Sometimes, your preferred service might not have enough liquidity to execute the swaps you want. In such cases, it's wise to explore all available options.

Each swap service has its own unique liquidity pool, and some have better liquidity than others. It's important to keep an eye on the liquidity across various platforms to find the best options for your transactions.

Based on our research, the providers with the highest liquidity for Hive swaps are:

  • Swaps by @deathwing with a liquidity of ~270,750 HIVE
  • BeeSwap with a liquidity of ~172,000 HIVE
  • BSwap (similar name, but different swap) with a liquidity of ~66,900 HIVE
  • uSwap with a liquidity of ~30,000 HIVE

By checking multiple swap services and comparing their liquidity, you increase the chances of finding one that can accommodate your desired transaction. Don't limit yourself to just one service—always keep an eye on the liquidity across various platforms. This practice will not only help you execute your swaps smoothly but also ensure that you get the best rates and minimize slippage.


The Hive ecosystem offers a diverse range of swap services catering to different user needs and preferences. Whether you're seeking the cheapest swaps, free or discounted swaps with investment, or rewards for using the platform, there's an option that aligns with your goals and investment strategy.

Don't forget that liquidity can vary across these platforms, so it's essential to explore all available options to ensure a smooth transaction and the best rates. With this comprehensive guide, you now have the knowledge and resources to make well-informed decisions when converting your HIVE or HBD tokens. Happy swapping!

Hive Ecosystem Conversion Services Comparison Table

Sorted by Approximate Total HIVE Liquidity

Service NameProviderDescriptionTokens and FeesLinkLiquidity
Swaps by Deathwing@deathwingConvert HIVE swap equivalent- HIVE fee: 0.30%
- Min: 1.5 HIVE ~270,750
BeeSwap@beeswapDEX for trading HIVE, HBD, and Hive-based tokens; earn rewards by providing liquidity; free swaps on side below 10k- HIVE fee: 0.25%-0.00%
- Min: 1 HIVE ~172,000
BSwap@bdcommunityConvert HIVE and swap equivalent- HIVE fee: 0.20%
- Min: 1 HIVE ~66,900
uSwap@hiveupmeConvert HIVE swap equivalent; provide liquidity for rewards and free swaps- HIVE fee: 0.1% (10% fee refund in VAULT)
- VAULT fee: 0%
- Min: 1 HIVE ~30,000
HivePay Swap@hivepay-ioConvert HIVE swap equivalent- HIVE fee: 0.20%
- Min: 0.001 HIVE ~2,350
Cartel Swap@oneup-cartelConvert HIVE, HBD, and swap equivalents; discounts for holding CARTEL- HIVE fee: 0.25%-0.00%
- HBD fee: 0.40%-0.00%
- Min: 1 HIVE/HBD ~1,050
HBD: 700
uSwap's Mini Swap@hiveupmeHigh-fee uSwap variant with higher liquidity rewards- HIVE fee: 0.15%
- Min: 1 HIVE ~1,000
LeoDEX@leofinanceDEX for trading Hive-based tokens; low deposit fee- Fee: 0.25%
- Min: ? ~400

This article was written with the help of ChatGPT. All research and ideas are original to the author. ChatGPT was used to refine and clarify concepts, optimize data structures, and polish grammar and phrasing. I've done my best to validate all output through research, but please let me know if I missed anything that was modified by ChatGPT to be inaccurate.

Edited on 3/27/2023 to update Order of Case Studies as well as update uSwap's offerings, and update information about total liquidity

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