#ThoughtfulDailyPost - Hard Decisions and Letting Go


I was thinking #ThoughtfulDailyPost! would be an awesome tag for @inleo #premium as subscribers and other Leo users ramp up the shorter form conversational posts. @Wesphilbin waves the flag for us and runs @thoughtfulposts as the curation account that rewards thoughtful posts. Please join us in sharing your positive vibes on the blockchain and consider delegating.

Here is a sampling of sentiments gleaned from a feed populated by an algorithm that knows I like my posts thoughtful. Plus a little bonus music to match each.


Hard Decisions


R.M.Drake is an author with not enough fame to have a wiki that I could find but has 2.8 million followers on instagram so there is that. I have time to listen to a New York Times best-selling author so let's give it a go!

You may not see it now, but that period should probably be a comma and it is bugging me. Sometimes the hardest decisions in life turn out to the be the best decisions. That has got to be true. What is a hard decision? One that has potentially huge ramifications and weighs a couple serious, if not traumatic outcomes against each other. Those scales seem to be balanced very well, each with equally-beneficial and potentially negative consequences. That is a tough decision.

Think of a hard decision you have made in the past and how they turned out. I suspect that the opposite may be true when some of those hard decisions turned out to be disastrous an the consequences irreparable. Still, the sentiment we should be focusing upon is STAY STRONG! Life isn't easy but it doesn't have to be as hard as we often make it. A hard decision is a risk and an opportunity and the past is the past. Stay strong and make those decisions as you are getting better and better with each that you make even if you may not see it now.

This is some classic Canadiana as it takes Courage to stay strong and make those hard decisions.

Let it go


Tony Gaskins does have a wikipedia page and it tells us he is a motivational speaker and life coach. Having been on the Oprah show and being voted on of Top 50 Most Motivational People on the Web 13 years ago is something too. Cool image for this one too so let's dig in.

If you can't do anything about it, then let it go. Maybe I enjoyed this one as I have had to remind myself over the years that I am too lazy to worry too much about things I cannot control. Kinda the same right? Now I do challenge myself to see what I can do about things of import before deciding I can't but that is a skill in development as well.

Don't be a prisoner to things you can't change. This is like 2 great quotes in 1. Having thought plenty about choosing to be a winner and how close of far that is from having a victim mindset. Perhaps they are situational and one leads to the other but stopping the brain from eternally puzzling the puzzle we haven't got the ability to piece together is a struggle too. At least with my brain and tendencies.

Maybe a quick flow chart. It is on your mind? Yes. Can you do anything about it? No. Let it go! Why? I won't be a victim and a prisoner by things I cannot change. That works.

Let it go! Let if move your body let free your soul!


Considering our problems, happiness and how we are spending our lives can only lead to positive changes. If being thoughtful is up your alley, you have the option to delegate to @thoughfulposts to increase the rewards for positivity.
@thoughtfulposts/thoughtfulposts-introduction-or-a-thoughtfuldailypost is the post that started it in 2020!

I invite you to pen your own #thoughtfuldailypost any day of the week and share your insight on the world through your blog.





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