Rich dad, Poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki is the author of rich dad, poor dad which I think is a very inspiring story with important lessons in finance. I have read that book before and now it is coming back into my life.
I don't if it does happen to you but sometime I buy a book but I won't read it straight away and at some point later in life I will feel drawn to it which is when I could use that teaching.

Rich dad, Poor, the first time I read it I got out the idea that if you wanted to build real wealth you had to be in the investor quadrant or the big business quandant, basically a place where you don't have to work for money in order to get huge leveraged reward without using all your time.

I started my second reading a few month ago because I wanted to read the story again at the beginning when he was working for free because the learning was more important then the little money he could get from the job. He had to learn that you couldn't be rich by working for money as this changes your mindset because you will want a bigger salary thinking you deserve it and blaming it on the greedy boss instead of realizing it was your own choice and you could quit at anytime in order to do something else for yourself.

I put the book down after the first chapters but today I was watching a finance video and I got to this video:

And I spend time really understanding the first lesson which I new but still I guess had to be reminded of it.

Inspiring quote to keep grinding

Getting a job is really just a short term solution(paying expense) to the long term challenge of building your wealth.

The later, building wealth is the key and if your thinking and action reflect that for the next 20-40 year then you probably will be ok.
I think and this is my opinion that being in a space like blockchain and more specifically Hive and inleo is an action showing it might be a path you want to pursue, we are all looking for ways to improve our life and build something for the future.

And wealth in this content is basically how many days you can go without working and be ok.

The trap is the fear/greed cycle

By increasing your income, you risk increasing your expense and if you income is reliant on a job, you will end up being capped and having no chance to escape the cycle, it will be too hard on your spirit to remove the conform create by those expense. You will be force to work for someone for the rest of your life and for some of us it just doesn't work for our mind.

We have to find our own path and build our own thing the way we see it, if you have the opportunity to at least try doing that, you have to believe and do it. Don't forget it is all a game and we will be in the end.

Hive investment in your strategy

I think for a lot of people here doing the math, we can see this is an opportunity to build retirement kind of money while building up another income stream.
On Hive you can make money by being an author, curator and passive investor.
As of today HBD saving are paying 20% interest while Leo delegation can be 18% with the new tier 5 that just came out, 16% otherwise for premium user choosing to received staked Leo as income instead of liquid.

Not how much you make but how much you keep

money come and goes at different part of your life, one unexpected thing here, one planned over there. Try to do the math, add up all your salary since you started working and realise how much money went through your hand and how much is left in net worth and assets that make you money. As I said previous and I will stick to this definition for the moment wealth for me is how many days can I go without working and I want to increase that number until it is higher that the days I have left to live on this planet.

My big decision in life have to align with that because I know that it will give me even more freedom in the long run.

Focusing on building assets is important, assets are investment you own that put money in your pocket according to Kiyosaki, for me buying Hive and Leo tokens are assets because I can make some amount of money by owning and using those tokens to vote, delegate. It also give me an edge if I want to work/grind by creating article and engaging with other. Other owner have an incentive to support people that have stake in the platform and/or are creating more value then they take out.

Let's build this decentralize world together one article at a time, one connection at a time, our network will be our strength. Imagine one day where being part of a community is more important to you then your country, it could give you more opportunity, more freedom.

Is it really that fare fetched? Lions together strong. 🦁

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