The 3Ws of Using the "Fantastic" Hivestats: Who, What, Why?


I have been using for as old as the tool has been operational and from its creation till date. It remains one of the most refreshed "pinned" tabs on my PC's browser. Indeed, this is one tool I help all of my Hive mentees to also use to look-up their accounts. My reviews on Hivestats are as old as May 30, 2020 and should have passed 30 in count. The joys of writing about this Fantastic Hive Tool is not just because it is one of Hive tools, but because I've drank of its usefulness from the first time I started using it till date.

Blockchain technology has features such as transparency, speed and immutability of its transactions in a bid to provide financial autonomy for internet users. It gets more awesome when users can track their performances and growth within the blockchain as it revolves around every single transaction and that being able to access this data/statistics for free and with ease.

For all who care, you would understand that you have to pay to a third-party firm to be able to access a full analytical data on the performances of your centralized websites out there, a service such as which provided in the past. Thanks that being a part of the Hive blockchain, we have the freedom of auditing our transactions and growth with the free and easy-to-access tool such as


Above is a google search result screenshot for "hivestats uyobong" which will give you a readily accessible contents I have written out on the utilization and testimonials about Hivestats. I'll sure not have to get you bored with many links in this post. Below is a consistent testimony I've had about Hivestats.

Presently, Hivestats pinned tab is the most frequently refreshed on my PC browser. This I need as a content creator cum investor on Hive and I do my best to maximize the functionalities of the app. I introduce my Hive referrals to it and it serves me a lot of questions when it has to do with understanding the statistics of their accounts. A full information as summarized during the launch of Hivestats V2 last year can be found in this post. We've seen a grand update on the app from creation of V2 to date and the evolving functionalities which keeps adding value to its usage as well as the @LeoFinance community that created it.

Having given that brief, the essence of this blog is to present what I call the "3Ws of Using the "Fantastic" Hivestats" in as a Hive user/proposed investor. These 3 Ws constitute the questions "Who, What and Why" as it relates with using the Hivestats tool. Specifically, this log will address the following:

Attempting to answer these questions will help prospective HIVE users/investors to get acquainted with this fantastic tool and as well see reasons to use the tool.

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1. WHO Should use Hivestats?

  • Anyone who owns a Hive account.
  • Anyone who desires to blog, vlog or invest on Hive. Signup here
  • An investor on Hive and Hive-engine tokens
  • A cryptocurrency enthusiast
  • A financial analyst
  • A Digital asset broker
  • A student of Finance and related field of study
  • A researcher
  • A Financial Journalist

Screenshot 1

2. WHAT do You do with/on Hivestats?

  • It's a Hive Wallet with full operations - You can login via Hive keychain to "transfer Hive, HBD", "powerup/powerdown Hive", "Save Hive, HBD", "Delegate Hive"
  • It's a Hive-engine Token Wallet with limited operations. You can view your hive-engine asset worth, rewards and operations.
  • It's a Dashboard for all Hive users. Here, you can see your bio, Effective HP, Hive Power, Delegation details, vote and voting details, resource credits, reputation, followership details, post counts and more (See Screenshot 1).
  • It's a ROI Monitor for Hive investors/prospective investor. You can see the value of your assets or assets you intent to buy and their ROI (See Screenshot 2).
  • It's a companion for Hive-engine token curators. You can track your curation profits/losses on hive-engine tokens used to curation.
  • It's a one-stop Price box for Hive and LEO related token Trader You can see in milliseconds prices of Hive, HBD, LEO and LEO related assets.
  • It's a rewards expectancy booster for Hive content creator. You can view your pending rewards which has the potency of motivating you to create more contents.

Screenshot 2

3. WHY should You Use Hivestats for your Hive Activities?

Using Hivestats would afford you numerous benefits as I've enjoyed being a one-stop easy-to-assess tool that tells you everything about your Hive account at a glance. This covers the main and second layer respectively. That it combines the total usecase of a typical Hive wallet is something amazing.

Knowing your stats and analytics would tell whether you're growing or not and that would inform the next action towards achieving your Hive goals.

Besides the fact that we track our data via Hivestats, proceeds form hosting Ads on the website is used to grow LEO value. When Ad revenue is received, it's in the form of BTC. These funds are then converted to HIVE and it is being distributed to the @leoads account, which is responsible for burning LEO off the market throughout each month at random timings, to help improve the LEO economy.

My Hot Features in the New Hivestats

  • Multi-accounts sign-in
    As an intentional hive-engine token curator, it is easier to toggle my curation alts with this new feature which is a hot oine for me. Added to the fact that I can do some wallet functions. I can stay on hivestats to do almost all transaction one can ever think of.

Screenshot 3

  • Trending Posts on
    Since I literally spend the whole day refreshing my Hivestats tab, I get to see the top performing posts curated by @leoFinance.
    Screenshot 4

Screenshot 5

  • Sweet Analytics View
    The improved view of the analytics tab is just sweet. the charts looks cool and amazing.
    Screenshot 6

Screenshot 7

On the whole, the dark mode gives the website more clearer visibility at all times of the day. It's an amazing upgrade in all.

Features I miss in the Previous Version of Hivestats

  • Computing of Curation earnings for hive-engine tokens
    The feature I really miss in the previous version of Hivestats is the coding in the "Rewards" tab of the Hive-engine frame that helped to compute the curation and authorship earnings for hive-engine tokens. The screenshots below taken in the old version of Hivestats shows how I was able to track my curation earnings from my stakes of Hive-engine tokens. Underneath each screenshot is a link to the posts I shared how much I've earned with a token like SPORTS.

Screenshot 8 - Old version source

Screenshot 9 - Old version source

Screenshot 10 - Old version source

The present functionality seems not to support the code that helps to compute the curation and authorship earnings for other Hive-engine tokens other than LEO. it would be a great deal to have the feature back and working in Hivestats V5.

  • Transfer options for hive-engine tokens
    The second feature I'm missing is the wallet functionalities that would allow me to transfer my hive-engine tokens to preferred destinations and even link quickly to LeoDex for trading the tokens. This feature is no more captured in this edition of Hivestats. I'd love to have it back.

My Suggestions

The suggestions below were first captured in this first review I made in 2020 which was pointing to the Hivestats V2 Update. I still stand firm on those suggestions as they have the potentials to improve the LEO economy.

Account Creation Features - Ability to Create & Claim Hive Accounts On Hivestats - earlier postulated by the LeoFinance team (source)

Reading the above intended use of to create Hive accounts was a great innovation. The account creation option would allow us use LEO to create Hive accounts or make provision for instant buy of HIVE at the highest Buy price to create a new account.

I thought and still believe that LEO can be used for the account creation instead of Hive in as this would create an awesome way to burn LEO tokens and create more utility for the token within the Hive Blockchain. This, I envisage that an account created on would end up receiving LEO/LEO Power in order to give the new user a consciousness of a community called LeoFinance and LEO tokens at the very beginning of his/her hiving journey.

My second suggestion is to include the Hive-engine Dieselpool details that perhaps makes it easy to see the top performing pools i terms of liquidity volume and rewards which would be useful for traders.


I hope that with the above elucidated points, I have been able to convince you reading this post on the need to start using the tool daily. I salute @khaleelkazi and the team of LeoFinance developers for the great work they are putting in to build the LEO ecosystem community. As long as this community keeps growing in infrastructure and tools, I'll keep spreading the news to get more users to enjoy the amzing services.


Know the LeoFinance Ecosystem is an online community for crypto & finance content creators, powered by Hive and the LEO token economy.

Want to Start Earning Hive and LEO Tokens and tracking your growth with Hivestats? Join Hive Here


What is Hive?

Hive is an innovative and forward-looking decentralized blockchain and ecosystem, designed to scale with widespread adoption of the currency and platforms in mind. By combining the lightning-fast processing times and fee-less transactions, Hive is positioned to become one of the leading Web3 blockchains used by people around the world. source

What is Hive-Engine?

Hive-Engine is a smart contract platform on top of the Hive blockchain. It allows communities and businesses to build their own tokens, which are then built on top of the technology provided by Hive. This is the ultimate layer 2 solution. The token created on Hive-Engine is then immediately tradable with Hive on their exchange.

About me...

I am a called teacher, a serial entrepreneur and a Graduate of Agricultural Engineering. Nigeria is my root and a place full of opportunities. I dropped out of a Master's Degree program due to funds, yet I do not regret growing the courage to start my business from the scratch. Today, I've built layers of Businesses on the Hive blockchain in terms of Curation and it's a sustainable passive way of earning crypto while learning.

I am your favourite Hive Tribes Promoter and Curapreneur!
I am @Uyobong.
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