So after again the discussion begins about Power down, let's get it Real.
If enough people like:
1 Week Power down.
Gov votes charge every week 1/13. So no one can take over.
Treasury for people that want 13 weeks, it would be the same as we have now. It's a 13 weeks power up. You also can have 50% 13 weeks power up and 50% 1 week power up. For me sounds super cool.
And for the end. You never power down? Why don't get a gov bonus? like 5% a year for the start? Would Rewards all long term Never power down people :)
Why this again?
And I don't see any benefit in 13 weeks. For people that see a benefit, they can have it in addition.
This was my answer:
My solution would be:
1 week Power down. ( cleans also out faster week people)
Gov votes charge like voting energy. 1/13 each week ( so even more longer). Only True power holders have the power.
for Long term Holder also some Bonus gov votes benefit up to 20%. Why? More why not.
I know people like burns for instant power down.
But People compare.
Steem = no penalty/ burn to "against sellers"
Hive = you have to give away money.
And yes people look like this at it #dogecoin :)
With 1 Week Powerdown, it would be stupid to hold a lot in liquid. Then more people power up, earn rewards, and less liquid is there to buy.
No Network Risk possible what some people always think. Steem is the testnet in this case + we can improve the 13 week gov votes to make it the same security level + more liquid-
To "I want to lock up my funds for 13 weeks", in short. Add a treasury, it's the same as power up with lockups up to 13 weeks. Not longer because I know people misstype 130 weeks and cry forever :)
And at the end, a liquid hive with an exchange mechanic to HBD in Pools would also add more value to the hive in total. Would be a community-backed Defi thing with sometimes nice returns (APR).
And I'm against every burn or anything. SImple because its we are the holder and we can make the rules. It would be idiotic to not try to get the best is possible to hive.
If burns would suck, we would have it for a minimum of 6 months or more. So i would prefer a shorter period like 1 week ( or 10 days, whatever).