The story of Henry Harrell the Film Director

Henry Harrell

The Film Director of Hive


Henry Harrell is an NFT, he's part of the Punks on Hive collection dropped few weeks ago.

As I see the CryptoPunks joining Hive I think "Oh cool, I'm definitely gonna get one, and maybe 2 or 3 in the next few days" but they went sold out in few hours...

I was really surprised and the fact they went sold out in a blitz made me say to myself "I will never sell this NFT in my life unless a whale gives me 666.666 HIVE and changes it for good, LOL"

So as Henry reached my wallet and appeared in the Gallery area on the website, I really liked his purple hat and sunglasses, I liked his style and my desire to never separate from him just grew and I rushed to the market to put that crazy 666.666 price tag on his lovely face!

As I did this I thought "Look what a degenerate APE I am and look at this price tag, LOL, people will think I am out of my head and maybe will even take the piss out of me like 'Look at this delusional prick' but I do not care so there's that!"

Let's look at his stats


It's not the rarest I know, but let me tell you something, the other day as I was looking at the Market thinking to grab another one or two (I see that there are still some around 22-40) I couldn't find any of my liking, I could see only very basic Punks without any accessories nor hats, and mine has both a hat and a pair of sunglasses, and a very sexy mustache so I kept thinking how cool Henry is and how happy I am with my NFT, just like with my body, I never had any issue with it and I am happy with what I've got! Self-acceptance is as important and self-NFT-acceptance APEs, love your bananas and yourselves every day! šŸ˜‚

As I was checking prices on the Market I saw some other Degen APEs even more degenerate than me with crazy prices like 1 Million Hive, 1,5 M and some went crazy APE with as high as 888.888.888, one madman is asking 20 Billion Hive...

That was enough for me and Henry!

"You're getting a new price tag homie! Our relationship is at stake here, I cannot risk losing you for only half a million dollar!" this at the time when Hive was just pumping around 1$, so quickly I went to the marketplace and edited my price to 666.666.666 to fit in at the top with the other degenerate APEs, feels great to be among other retarded APEs like me! Thanks guys, Trippy APE says THANKS! LOL

As I did this Henry looked at me and thought about making a movie out of this silly story but we did not have the budget so we just rolled a fat one and chilled thinking about the many things I could do in case a whale was to take Henry Harrell away from my life, I hope that day never comes because 666.666.666 HIVE will never fill the emptiness in my soul that would be left in case Henry had to go...

Me and Henry are homies for life!

ā¤ļø Much Love Henry! ā¤ļø

Thanks for reading the story of Henry Harrell

If you want him to direct a movie for you you can contact his manager @trippymane, he's a great guy!

Henry sends love to you all!

A blessing to all the NFT lovers and the retarded APEs like me

May Henry Harrell look after your soul!

Henry said that because of the recent HIVE pump in price he could be available to consider leaving me for as low as 333.333.333 and in a rainy day even 111.111.111 - Henry looks like he's not that attached to me as I am to him, so yeah! It makes me sad that he would like to leave me for 111.111.111 in a rainy day! PLEASE WHALES DO NOT EVEN THING ABOUT TAKING HIM FROM MY LIFE! THANKS šŸ˜‚


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