Why People Don't Like Blogging?

Why People Don't Like Blogging.png

We can all agree that there is money in blogging. We had experienced it firsthand when we joined Hive/Steemit. When I present this great opportunity to the people that I know of they get excited as this can be a good addition to their income stream. But, when I ask them to create a draft in their introductory post, more often than not it will take weeks to months of follow-up to start a post or at times they shrug it off.

I am with you. I am also in the same situation as you are and I can agree that creating content is hard. As I dig deeper into my thoughts, let me share with you some of the things that I have experienced and noticed into why people don’t start with their blogs.


Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

I am not good at writing.

My writing is not good.

I have trouble constructing my thoughts and sentences.

I am not good with grammar, especially the subject-verb agreement.

I get tense with tenses. ( pun inserted)

These are the most used and abused excuses that I always hear from the people that I am trying to onboard. At times I want to do a real talk discussion with them and answer them in a manner that is somehow rude.

“My writing is not good” - When did you find out that you are not good at writing? In your elementary days? Have you tried writing now and compared yourself to before?

“I have trouble constructing my thoughts and sentences.” - do you know how to use Google? Are you familiar with google translate?

“I am not good with grammar, especially the subject-verb agreement.” - unless it is a formal writing piece then grammar isn’t an issue. Use Grammarly it is free. It is a blog my friend, not a book that you will submit for publishing.

“I get tense with tenses.” - Start writing and we will check what we can do to improve.

Believing that we are not good in anything is the endpoint of the struggle. Especially now that you have acknowledged that you are not good at writing, what are the things that you do to improve?

I am busy nowadays and can’t fit it into my schedule.

Did you ever wish that a day will be more than 24 hours so that you can accomplish your daily task? Back then I will wish that I can do that since most of the time I end up cramming for other activities. Until I watched a video on Youtube from Matt D’Avella entitled Why you’re so bad at managing your time. here he discussed the importance of planning and distributing our energy to our task.

I already posted the video here so that you will not be clicking and searching Youtube anymore because I know that you don't have that much time.

Now having said that fitting blogging as a priority shouldn’t be the case right since you are new you might want to try to have it listed as some things that you can do during your spare time.

I would remember writing my drafts when I was traveling to work back then. Since the travel time would be more than 2 hours rather than being idle, staring at the scenery, or trying to get some naps wherein at times always interrupted why create a draft instead?

It is hard to research!


Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Certain topics are hard to write, especially if it is not your forte or not within the realms where you are passionate.

But why are you planning to write outside your comfort zone? start first on the things that you enjoy.

Imagine that you are sharing this stuff with a friend that you haven’t met yet. Like giving advice to them about the things that they can do or the things that you recently learned?

Researching is easy now and with persistence and proper citation of readings definitely, you will get there. one of the problems that we have is not researching but being lazy in researching and reading.

Did I hit the sweet spot?

Being lazy and inconsistent.


Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

Admit it you are lazy. Because I myself admit that I am one. Because creating a blog post isn’t words being assembled there’s more to that!

It does make me wonder, I can spend multiple hours reading comics and watching Tiktok videos but when it comes to creating a blog post draft it will take me 1 to 2 hours to create a 300-word article. I would rather spend it slouching and reading manga versus creating my daily or weekly content because I can.

Aside from worrying about the contents, you will also need to search for images in cyberspace making sure that they are copyright free. Mind you searching for the right image takes time as well! Free images are there in Unsplash.com, Pexels.com, Pixabay and Piqsels but oh boy! They are limited and sometimes the images are not available.

You need also to consider working with photo editing software or apps. Since there are cases wherein the images you find isn’t the right one or you want to use a certain part of the image you need to learn how to edit them and at times editing images and creating one isn’t that easy too!

I understood very well that creating blogs isn’t something that all of us are used to. If you can relate to some or maybe all then I am glad that it resonated with you. The list isn’t that compact as there are other factors still why people don’t create a blog first but let me encourage you that if you haven’t created one you should do it!

I learned a lot in the process of creating blogs which I am grateful for. I also met a TON of folks virtually by creating blogs, especially now that the majority of us are still stuck in our homes a good friend that has the same mindset and hobbies is a great find here in cyberspace.

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