"Netflix AI" - What It Might Look Like

The reason I put Netflix AI in quotations is because this has nothing to do with anything that the company is doing regarding AI. To be honest, I haven't heard anything from Netflix about what it is doing in this area.

That said, this is an article to dives into some of the potential. I under Netflix because it is the longest running, most popular streaming service. Hence, it works well to illustrate the point I am conveying.

It is best to pull back and scan from a wider perspective. This is going to apply to a great deal more than just Netflix.

So let us dive in.


What Netflix AI Might Look Like

Generative AI is going to change everything in the entertainment industry. We are at the point where we can see it with text. I am convinced, based upon the size of the training of the next models, we are going to see a massive jump in this area by the end of the year.

While text is exploding, images and video are lagging. The latter is actually in an embryotic stage.

Nevertheless, we must not get caught up in that. In addition to OpenAi, we have companies like NVIDIA immersing themselves in this realm. It is only a matter of time before the quality emerges.

For example, we saw the union of Runway and Lionsgate a couple months ago. This is going to allow Runway to train on nearly 20K movies the studio did over the decades. What comes out is a customized version that Lionsgate can utilize.

Of course, this will not be the only company utilizing this.

Netflix is surely going to enter the generative AI realm. Not only does it do production, it is also the number 1 content delivery mechanism for mainstream films and shows.

Personalized Entertainment

The future of entertainment is personalized. We are no longer be in a world where one video for many people. Instead, it will be one video for one person.

That is how we come up with personalized entertainment. It will be designed for the individual.

So, how would something like this work?

Let us suppose you are a loyal Netflix customer, having the service for the last 10 years. Over that time, you want dozens of television series along with hundreds of films. Netflix knows everything you did. It has a record of each film you clicked on for more information. It knows when you started a film, only to shut it off and never return.

ALL of this data is in their hands. Here is where the magic happens: your personalized data is combined with generative AI.

That means we could see a time when you can start a film and then have the AI generate a personalized ending. Or, if we want to go one step further, we could see the AI create an entire film.

Keep in mind, it has your history, thus will be able to contour the film to your liking (as far as it understands it).

Demise Of Hollywood

This is simply another example of how we are watching the demise of Hollywood.

Centralization is dying in the media world. We see this in many areas of media, especially with YouTube channels gaining more traction. Of course, content creators are starting to cross post, meaning viewers are split on a variety of platforms.

It is only the start.

No matter how we break this down, Hollywood's major downfall is going to be its lack of data. While it jumped into the streaming game, this is something that is trailing. Not only are the platforms not generating the revenues expected, the hours of viewing is also on the bottom of the list.

This means people are not on the applications. It isn't the case for Netflix.

With the data, an application such as Netflix can excel at personalizing the content for the user. We see this with the recommendation engines. What happens when this is the basis for movie generation?

Of course, companies such as Amazon and Google, both major data warehouses, also have a ton of information they can use. Both have stepped into the entertainment world over the last few years.

This is where things are trending.

"Netflix AI" will be a thing at some point.

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