Hive-Steem Conflict Appears On Yahoo Finance

The situation over the past month is getting Steem and, now, Hive some great exposure.

An article that appeared on Coindesk was also picked up by Yahoo Finance. This moves it from the mainstream crypto world into the financial one.

This is what happens when articles that are written by what are considered "trusted sources". They get picked up by other sites and passed around the Internet. This one by Brady Dale is an example.

The article goes into detail about the conflict. It provides a fair bit of background history along with the events as they happened. What is interesting is the article even picked up on the censorship by Steemit Inc.

It is a rather lengthy article and well worth the read if one has not done so.


This is very important to note. How many projects, in their first week, get this much attention? Granted, it is not a project that is starting from scratch yet Steem existed for a number of years without getting any recognition. In fact, there were many within the cryptocurrency community who thought Steem was goine.

The events of the last month show the resolve the community. While we do not know how things will pan out, from Hive's perspective, this is something that we need to build upon. Everywhere we look is an opportunity to market Hive.

In the past, we showed the ability to get things done when we came together. There were numerous contests to get listed in different wallets and smaller exchanges. Members of the community took to the voting and, most times, put Steem over the top.

We now can do the same for Hive.

I came across a post by @rolloe1212. It discussed the idea of joining the folding@home project. For those who are unaware, this is a project that uses distributed computing power to fold proteins in an effort to come up with a solution to the coronavirus (or more accurately COVID 19).

Here is the post.


Just to let everyone know how big the project has become, the computing power here is larger than the world's top 7 supercomputers COMBINED.

Now think of the attention we could garner by getting thousands of people to join in and start promoting the idea all over Twitter. We know how effective the Tweets from our community are. With the contacts now within the crypto media, it is surely to get some recognition.

Imagine a headline such as "Newly Formed Crypto-Community Supporting COVID 19 Research".

It is a great accomplishment to get the eyes on us. Now, it is equally as important to keep them there. That means doing things that are noteworthy. Any media outlet has a single goal: to post things that it believes are of interest to its readers. Conflict obviously works well for this. But so does helping others.

We often ask what it will take for cryptocurrency to become mainstream. One of the ways to do that is to make ourselves mainstream. By getting involved in mainstream situations, we appear to be a normal group of people. Crypto is viewed as a techie, ostracized, mad-at-the world group. And, to a certain degree, we are.

The opportunity exists to show that we are normal people who have a platform that welcomes everyone. We can show it is not about Lambos and massive speculation but coming together for the benefit of humanity. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are two technologies that can change the world. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, only the financial aspect is framed for most people.

It is time to start moving away from that idea.. The potential exists to show people we have something they want to be a part of.

Everyone loves an underdog. This is likely why so many in the crypto community supported Steemians standing up to Sun. Throughout that episode, we showed our how powerful we truly are.

Hive has a tremendous future because of the people who are here. This was always our "act in the hole". With the spotlight on us, we must make sure we shine for all to see.

If we do this, more articles such as what appeared on Coindesk and YahooFinance are likely to appear.

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Posted via Steemleo

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