1000 AI Agent Civilization Created

We discussed AI agents and how they are a major part of the future. This is something that is going to change everything.

The pace of innovation is such that we do not have to wait long for things to progress.

We now have an example where 1,000 AI agents were created in Minecraft and became live. This is a situation where autonomous agents are operating in the virtual world. It is a major breakthrough when we see that is taking place.

Here is a short video about Project Sid.


As we can see, the idea is to create a civilization, one that models, to a degree, what humans do.

Project Sid Released in Minecraft: 1,000 Autonomous Agents

This is more than just some game.

What we are dealing with is 1,000 players in Minecraft who are agents. They evolved to work together to assemble over 300 items in the game.

They also build an economy. "Gems" were created as a common currency for trading supplies. This served as the foundation for their economic model.

The agents did not stop as an economy. They also created culture, religion, and governance.

Do you see where this is heading?

We have an autonomous civilization forming in the virtual world. While it is easy to allude to the fact it is inside a game, when it comes to virtual, there is no difference. Shopping in a market in a game or on Amazon is the same. Obviously, if dealing with a physical product adds another layer but a digital download is identical.

It also becomes evident where the agents are able to utilize the knowledge available to establish things the civilization needs.

There is also something to take note of: payments were not made using Visa or American Express.

It also was able to surpass others with regards to item accumulation.


Developing New Civilizations

This is only the beginning.

According to a blog post from the company, here is the premise of Sid:

What does it look like to have a civilization of AI agents? How far away are we from Westworld? Are we able to align the AI civilization with human civilization? We introduce Project Sid, our first step towards exploring these questions. Under Sid, we investigated many scenarios and aspects of society, including democracies, regulation of social norms, societal roles, hierarchies, trading, economy, religion, and more. Simulating tens, hundred, and even thousands of agents together, we discovered phenomena and challenges never seen before at a small scale with just a few agents.

At Altera, our mission is to build digital humans. Our motivation for simulating societies comes from our observation that some of the most critical aspects of humanity are captured by interactions and relationships between people. So naturally, to build digital humans is to build agent societies.

This might sound scary to some but it is actually nothing more than a larger feedback loop.

When we look at the situation, AI is trained on data generated by humans. This is what is used for the agents. Thus, we are looking at nothing more than derivative of humanity.

One key difference is the ability to scale and speed with which is operates.

Ultimately, this is something that could be of massive benefit to humanity. Let us take the concept of the network-state, something we discussed in great detail over the years.

A major point is governance. How do we establish that? We have seen some minor experimentation within blockchain systems. Nevertheless, on the grand scale, it is minimal.

What happens if AI agents develop a wide variety of governance systems. Here is where we can learn from the AI, compiling more data to incorporate into our own networks. From here, as we add to it, this feedback back into the training, providing the agents with more information.

This loop might be never ending.

Crypto - Small Piece Of A Much Bigger Pie

For many, crypto seems like a big deal.

With what we are witnessing, it is best to put things into context. Cryptocurrency is but a small piece of a much bigger pie. It is something critical to where things are going yet is not the main focus.

Tired are important on a car (in fact that are vital) yet how many people buy a car for the tired? They are a small component.

Another reality that people should wake up to: cryptocurrency is not going away.

For all those who believe this is a passing fad, it is not. Virtual currencies are the future. These agents established their own system, none having to do with the existing financial system. This is very important.

We also should note that none of what these agents did is tied to a blockchain. It is operating within Minecraft. However, a network is a network.

The entire scenario changes when AI agents are built upon blockchains, utilizing the tools and resources there. Of course, there is nothing to say that Sid could not integrate this in at some point as they expand the focus of that project.

Massive Volume

Cryptocurrency is going to take over when automation increases the volume to the point it overwhelms that done within the traditional financial realm.

Many talk about negatively about bots since they typically are referencing social media or email. However, bots extend far beyond that. In fact, they account for most of the transactions in the existing financial realm.

Consider the amount of money traded each day on just the stock exchanges. We do not get the dollar amounts but share volume. If we applied USD to it, the numbers would be two orders of magnitude higher.

It is estimated 80%-85% of all trading on the stock exchanges are generated by machines. We know near 100% of all the trades are handled by computers; humans were eliminated more than a decade ago.

Then we have the Repo market. That is $4T-$5T swapped daily, all computers.

The point here is that cryptocurrency, with the use of AI agents tied to blockchain, are going to send volumes skyrocketing. There will be all kinds of use cases developed, both commercial and financial. Incorporating it into marketplaces, games, chat applications, and real world AI agents will result in massive increase in utility.

Here is when we see a massive crypto explosion. It will also far surpass, eventually, what we see in the present system.

Keep in mind, we will see a point in time when tens of billions of AI agents are interconnected.

As stated, most of them will not be using Visa or the existing banking system.

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