A Side Hustle - Listenable.io

I don't struggle with ideas. I struggle with turning ideas into opportunities.

Passive Income

One of my goals is to create multiple streams of passive income.

passive income (noun): income that requires little to no effort to earn and maintain source: wikipedia

Let's be clear! Some passive income opportunities require time and energy upfront, but the long term goal is to keep earning (with minimal maintenance) for the foreseeable future.

The image below sums up one of my latest ideas - an online, audio course.

Compatible with Listenable.io?

When I stumbled upon Listenable.io, I thought that the platform would be a good fit for my knowledge/experience and goals.

  • I enjoy teaching and mentoring others. I find great satisfaction in passing along information in an easy-to-understand format.
  • I wanted to create a revenue stream that would pay me back, even when I was asleep, away, or having fun.
  • I was not afraid to put in some work on the front end to get everything up and running.
  • My home education bias drives me to take advantage every learning opportunity with my kiddos (and help other parents do the same).

Rabbit Trail: What would happen if I helped my kiddos set up a course like this? How many years of passive income could they earn? If the platform was solid, then time would definitely be on their side.

Listenable.io prides itself as a platform that helps people "learn anything, anywhere" by providing "powerful, bite-sized audio courses". With an existing student base, Listenable.io is also a great fit with teachers who want to expand their influence.

My Course - A Parent's Guide To Talking About Minecraft

Minecraft is a shared interest in my home (at least for me and the kiddos). But my wife does not enjoy Minecraft like the rest of us.

That got me thinking! How can I equip parents to better communicate with their children using Minecraft as the conversation starter?

Minecraft comes with its own unique vocabulary, which can create obstacles, but I firmly believe that there are learning opportunities as well (that is if parents take the opportunity).

If Minecraft is a topic that interests your kiddos, nieces, nephews, etc, I would be honored if you would sign up for Listenable.io and join my course - A Parent's Guide To Talking About Minecraft.

Listenable is a paid service. If you join via any the affiliate links I have placed throughout this post, you will receive a 30% discount on your subscription.

Listenable.io Course Creation Process

Its does cost to consume Listenable.io content, but it is FREE to sign up to as a teacher. The process was simple, and I was in communication with Listenable.io editors throughout the process.

The following are the basics (which have been modified from Listenable.io's website):

  1. Apply - Click here to submit your idea. Scroll to the bottom of the page and then click the Learn More button.
  2. Create - The Listenable.io team will review your ideas to ensure they're the right fit for Listenable.
  3. Publish - Upload your content and let the Listenable.io team take care of all the little details (design, marketing, etc.).
  4. Get Paid - Teachers earn royalties for every minute that learners listen.

Proof of Earning

There are few important things to remember:

  1. My course was uploaded and approved a few weeks before the 3rd quarter ended (June to September). This was my first course on the platform, and I do not have a large student following from another platform.
  2. I have not yet transferred my earnings into my PayPal account yet. That process should be simple, but it has not be completed yet.
  3. I cannot guarantee future results based on the information I have received so far. I hope that the Listenable.io platform will be a great revenue stream, but I do not have enough experience with the platform to make any guarantees. As always, do you own due diligence.
  4. Minutes listened appear to be updated in real-time, but earnings are not calculated until the beginning of the next quarter.
  5. Payouts are quarterly. That's right! Every three months.

Every great adventure starts with a small step!

Final Thoughts

I am working on a second course idea. I have thought about continuing the "A Parent's Guide To Talking About ..." theme.

More courses potentially means more minutes listened which equates to more income.

I was really impressed with how attentive the Listenable.io staff was during the course creation process. I hope that I can report great results in the future.

I want to hear from you:

  1. Do you teach on an online platform? If so, which one?
  2. Are there any course topics that you would be interested in learning more about?

Thanks for stopping by!

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