Doctor Strange Superhero, and Hive’s Superpower: Fee-less Money Remittance.

Hive, a real super hero?

Yesterday I read the review of the new movie which opened yesterday: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. The Marvel Studios movies which focuses on the adventures of the hero called Doctor Strange. I couldn’t help but think the movie is a nice escape from reality, but in the real world we need to focus on real problems and their solutions. Hive has a real word answer, to a real world problem: the cost of money remittance, and that answer is what I call a Hive Superpower: Fast, Free Transactions


Money Transmittance

Doctor Strange is a fascinating and powerful hero, as is the co-star Wanda. But in real life thousands, if not millions of people travel from their homes to far away places to earn money and support their families. These people are the real life super heroes whose super power is hardwork and never giving up.

These people face a real world problem called Money Remittance, as in how do they get their money sent back home to their families. The current solution to the problem is Money Remittance or Money Transfer Companies like Western Union. This company is the traditional answer to the Money Remittance problem, and it is one way these hard working real life super heroes send money home, but they charge a 15% fee.

Imagine working hard all month to send 100 dollars home, and being forced to pay Western Union 15 dollars, so your family only gets 85 dollars. The word Disappointing comes to mind.

But it gets worse. Depending on where you send the money, the fee can increase to 35%! And that does not include the cost of travel, because in some countries you must travel to a big city to find a Western Union facility. Then add the personal risk of travelling back to your home with a large amount of cash. This exposes your family members to the risk of robbery.

This is where Hives ability to transfer value, as in money, in fast, free transactions becomes a real world super power.

If you want to send money home, you simply transfer your Hive from your Hive wallet to your family members Hive wallet. They then transfer it to an exchange, swap it for USDT and then your local currency. Then down load that currency to their bank account…
*All of it, 100 dollars.

This is Amazing, so fast, so free, so convenient.

  • No 15-30 percent transaction fees.
  • No travel to distant cities.
  • No risk of robbery or assault.
  • It’s really Super, like a Super Power.
  • And it is a real life Super Power, and any of us can be a reallife Super Hero with this Super Power.

Now that’s a movie I would love to see: Hive: the cure for Money Remittance Madness.










Hive, a real super hero with a real super power, fast, free transaction.


Did I mention it’s Free?


Did I mention it’s Free?


Did I mention it’s Free?

#drstrange #multiverseofmadness #wanda #moneyremittance #westernunion #lbc #hivefastfreetransactions

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