Project Death Book: Creating Financial Standard Work for My Family For the Worse Case Scenario

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What is Project Deathbook

Project Death book is my legacy planning in case of a premature and untimely death. I'm hoping to document much of our household financial situation to allow my wife and kids to unravel the complex financial situation that we have built over the years.

I think it'd be good to have some household standard work in place to help someone who has never done or looked at our finances before the ability to look at them and start to unravel the mess that we've built over 20 years. I'm not saying that we have a messy financial situation, but it's slightly more complex than when we started out and all we had was one investment account and a checking and savings account I have chosen to take advantage of many different accounts across different companies for various reasons to try to leverage my ability to prepare us for our future financial requirements. For like most families my age with 401ks, Roth ira's, taxable investments, health savings accounts and multiple lines of credit.

Since I am a 100% self-directed finance type person, we do not have your typical financial advisor. Not to mention that just by being in the crypto space you have already increased the level of complexity at least 10x over what most people have at our age. Trying to bring someone in who has no interest or understanding of crypto to a place with wallet keys transfers etc will probably be too much and I don't want those assets to get lost.

Financial Planning - Who owns it in your household?

Like most marriages we split responsibilities along different lines. I have always been interested in finance and Mrs. Senstless has little to no interest in looking at our numbers. In fact she's really happy as long as there's enough money for her to spend what she wants to spend at the store, on vacations and as long as I tell her we're fine for retirement she's happy as a clam not even looking at it.

Because of this, I have automated and integrated much of our finances in my personal preferences. These personal preferences may not be the simplest thing for someone who has not been dealing with them for the past 20 years to pick up and the last thing I want to do is have my untimely demise lead to financial issues when we have capital but it's either not in the right location or inaccessible due to a technological barrier that she doesn't understand.

General Plan

My general plan is to outline a bunch of areas that I think would be helpful to document. Much of this might just be getting documentation about who to contact in the case it's needed.

Information such as contact for life insurance, primary account names and passwords and how to access them. What are primary banking and credit card situation looks like what bills are on auto pay and what bills are sent by electronic email invoice only.

Then think I want to spend a little bit of time documenting our current investment strategy and maybe a little bit of why to allow her and the kids and understanding for walking in and meeting with someone in case they choose to go with a financial advisor.

Another areaI also want to document what crypto assets we have how to get to them, security passwords keys. I also want to mention how to extract value from the nft games I've been playing on hive since my guess is it most likely will not want to continue and would probably benefit from the financial sale.

Last but not least I think I'm going to document some people that I consider to be trusted advisors who they can get guidance and advice from in the silver and crypto worlds on the best way to unload are holdings if desired and get the best value without getting taken advantage of by someone when there are ready having enough to deal with.

I have a rough outline of the topics that I thought of that would be good for me to start writing about and covering. Well I'm sure this list will continue to grow as I get into the details I think that it will be important.

Proposed Outline

  • Life Insurance

    • Work Life Insurance
    • Personal Life Insurance
  • Passwords & Account Numbers

  • Primary Banking and Autopayments

  • Email/Online Invoices Only

    • Water
      Natural Gas
    • Electricity
  • Loans and Debts

    • 401k
    • Truck
  • Traditional Investments

    • Accounts Overview
    • Cash - Location
    • Taxable accounts
    • Tax Advantaged Accounts
    • Strategy
    • Accounts to drawn down first
  • Non Traditional Investments

    • Crypto

      • Ownership & Keys
      • Tokens/Currency
      • NFT's
      • Resource's / People to consult
    • Precious Metals/Numismatics

      • Storage
      • Selling
      • Resources / People to consult

Passwords & Log in Information

  • Last Pass
  • Google Authenticator
  • VIP Access

Investment Strategy

  • Consolidate Accounts
  • Current investment philosophy

Non Financial

I'm also thinking about adding a bit of a non-financial section to the documentation. There are some things that I have done ever since we bought the house 15 years ago that might not be top of mind and would be good to get down and on a to-do list on top of mind.

Well not a purely financial death book I think some of these other things would also get overlooked. It would be nice to have a list of contacts of people and services to call if needed but I do anticipate this section to be much smaller than the financial section.

Household Duties -

  • Water Softener

  • Furnace Filters

  • Chimney Sweep

  • Contracts

    • Plumber
    • HVAC
    • Heating

Plenty More will Rise Up As I write

I'm sure it'll be plenty more stuff I think about as I start to write and document this. I hope to share as much as I can on the blockchain about the general plan and scenario. Clearly I'm going to leave out specifics about usernames and passwords, but I'm hoping to have much of the general outline and thought and meet of what I put in to be shareable.

After talking to a friend about this, they actually mentioned that there was someone who published the book similar to this where you go through and fill out worksheets. I am tempted to maybe go out and buy one of those books for 15 or $20 and incorporate the gaps but I have in my plan that they have in theirs. I think it's well worth the investment and something I'll probably go out and see if I can pick up.

I hope this never gets used by my family, but I will probably feel much better knowing that if anything were to happen to me that it wouldn't be losing a significant amount of money, and they will hopefully not get taken advantage of by someone in a time of grief.


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