Finally Mudrex has listed hive - a big news for Hive and India

My continuous follow up has been answered now


I have been trying to connect with several exchanges in India to list #hive, so that we can start some good campaigns in the most populous country of the world, with almost everyone having access to internet. As part of this effort, I tried to connect WazirX echange several times, they do list #hive, but then it was not tradable, because it was not on the list of their active token list. Now that WazirX is almost dead, I tried to connect to two other exchanges.

Mudrex connect.jpg

ZebPay connect.jpg

Mudrex and Zebpay are two other exchanges, that seemed to be trustworthy, so I tried to connect to their executives in LinkedIn and follow up. Edu Patel, CEO of Mudrex did not reply to my invitation, however, I tried again at one of his post, see the link below :

And congratulations to all of us, finally it was heard.


Honestly I was expecting they reach to one of our witnesses to have some support to list #hive, but it seems, they did it on their own. This opens a big opportunity for #hive, because if we can campaign for #hive in India, then it may bring in some solid investors.


Mudrex is going to be in TOKEN2049 in Singapore on 18th-19th September showcasing , their B2B solution for seamless on-ramp and off-ramp services. This will empower businesses to convert fiat to crypto seamlessly, as they advertise. And they also promise to be Tax & Regulatory Compliant, which will help to win business's trust of no trouble, as that's the major bottleneck today.


So guys, tell me how do we move forward to campaign hive ? I already have plans to work on some spendhbd initiative, and need to reach out to some businesses to market. But given that India is a big opportunity, we should definitely try to make some big impact to take it to the common man to be able to use hive for their livelihoods. User retention is mostly a problem on our platform, but if we can build some great community and usage pattern here, then people will be interested to post and earn and use the reward for their daily living.

Waiting to hear back from the community. In the mean time, I am going to play around with Mudrex and see how we can transfer #hive and convert to fiat and take it to bank account. If anyone else is interested, let me know, I can transfer some hive as well, for this experiment. Now that they have listed #hive, we can certainly reach out to them for more support, if needed. We just need to showcase them the true power of this community. Hopefully, 2025 will bring some exciting news for all of us.

And as I was writing this post, I asked the question on that post and see their reply :


Fingers crossed, my next target is to poke Zebpay.

Coincidentally this big news has come just around the @hivefest, I hope, we will have it in India soon.


copyrights @sanjeevm - content created uniquely with passion for #HIVE platform — NOT posted anywhere else! #HIVE is my only social diary - my blog is my life.

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