Shill Me Your Blog


The above definition of Shill ( sounds so negative. Most the internet world who do shill fall under the above definition. While most in internet land frown upon shilling activities I (@rentmoney) in this post welcome any and all shilling. What I am after is information about your Hive Blog but feel free to shill anything you like that will help you fill your shilling desires.

Readers: "Why Shill Our Blogs?"

Short Answer: "RentMoney Is Lazy."

Long Answer:

I spent a decent amount of time yesterday reading, commenting and upvoting the content of those who routinely give support to my Hive content. When I do this I routinely miss out on some awesome content some of yous are creating. I thought to ones self: "Self, how do I cover more content in less time?". Now I don't always have great ideas but at that very moment a light bulb went off and thus the idea for this positively influenced shill post. Yous are free to shill any type of blog you wish (bonus points if you are shilling someone else) but keep in mind we are on the Hive network and shilling a Hive Network blog is likely the best play to make.

For example is your favorite topic finance and your favorite blog site If so lets hear about it in the comment section below. Do you routinely use the blog frontend to blog about the awesome Hive game known as Splinterlands (I want to hear about that to) or perhaps you are a blogger who likes to blog about general gaming in the 1UP Tribe. Whatever your cup a tea I want a drink of it. Shill away my friends, shill away. Rentmoney being lazy isn't the only reason for shilling your blog (or a friends blog) below in the comment section.

Alternative Motive: I hope to accomplish an alternative motive. That motive is: hopefully others who participate in shilling activities here today will read your blog description and head on over to your blog to see what the fuss is all about. If they do so you just might find yourself getting a new follower or blog supporter. So if you are going to shill please take a moment to read the shilling of others. You never know, you might find something that is of interest.

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