Going All In

Walk to an older man and ask him for an advice he would like to give to his younger self career wise. Some of them always say they regret not taking that risk or regret not going all in. They think they had a chance of making it really big but blew it because they were too scared to go all in. As humans do you really think that we only have one chance? One thing I will always say is, consistency is key because it constantly puts you there everyday you keep being consistent at what you do, you are a day closer to that big break, but you don’t know.


What’s going all in? When you go all in, are you truly going all in? My understanding of going all in putting all your heart and hopes into something, taking the biggest risk you can take, the one you haven’t taken before. For instance someone with only $100 in his crypto wallet can call that going all in because that’s their net worth, that’s all they have and they don’t know when their next $100 will come from. Then there is another person who goes all in with $10k, that’s all they have and they don’t know when their next $10k will come. Then we have another person who has $100k and they don’t know where and when their next $100k will come from.

When it goes bad, the hurt they feel is usually extreme, the disappointment is something that can’t be measured. I have been there, recently I went all in with $2300 and was able to only get $599 back, that’s about $1700+ loss, I felt more disappointed in the project than I was about myself. I didn’t regret going all in, but with my experience people have regretted not going all in than going all in. The choice is yours, and this is not a financial advise.

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