The Psyber-X Marketplace is Open

For some of you, it's been months. For some of you, weeks. As crazy as it may sound, some of you only heard of Psyber-X in the last 48 hours. Regardless...the wait for the Marketplace is over...

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The Marketplace



The Founder Starter Kits are no longer for sale. The remaining No Remorse and Juggernaut NFTs that were tied to the leftovers have been burned. The Land Plot-Small NFTs are now for sale at 300 Hive/HBD.


You can now buy Psybercrates in the Marketplace!


You can now buy as many of these Psybercrates as you wish. The current cost is $20 USD in Hive or HBD. Consistent with our post from 2 weeks ago found here, the price of Hive and HBD fluctuate (no need to remind you of that), so the amount of HBD or Hive required to purchase a Psybercrate will fluctuate based upon the spot price taken from a reputable site, but the total spent will be equal to $20 USD at the time of purchase. After a limited time, everything in the Marketplace will switch over to be purchasable via LVL. We will inform via our posts when that changeover will take place.


No coupon code required! If you have 200K LVL in your account (not in the LP), the Marketplace will recognize your holdings and will grant you an automatic 30% discount on all Psybercrates you purchase.


There are 90,000 Standard Psybercrates available through the Marketplace. For a limited time, unopened crates won't be able to be resold. There are also 10,000 Special, Limited Edition Psybercrates that are airdropped. This makes 100,000 Psybercrates in total that were created/minted.

What's Inside?

Each Psybercrate, whether Standard or Special, Limited Edition, it will contain 5 NFTs. Each NFT has an in-game use. These are not just pretty NFTs to show to your friends or to put as your image on your Hive account. They have function. They have utility. They also have classifications based on rarity.

Drop Rates?

Marketplace Standard Psybercrate Drop Rates:

ClassificationDrop Rates

Special, Limited Edition Psybercrates

There are only 10,000 of these crates available. They are obtained in 2 ways and 2 ways only, for now.

  • Hold increments of 200K LVL for a 60 day average based on snapshots taken by Psyber-X on a random date within each month. These counts have been compiled since December 2021 and have continued since.
    • For each 200K increment of LVL held before today, the Marketplace release, 2 Special, Limited Edition Psybercrates have been dropped into your account. There are 5,355 crates that were awarded for averaged cumulative holdings in your account or held in the Swap.Hive:LVL Liquidity Pool.
    • For each 200K increment of LVL held after the Marketplace release, 1 Special, Limited Edition Psybercrate will be dropped until all 10,000 have been released, dropped in order of those who have the highest averages. After all, the purpose is to incentivize people to hold LVL in support of our project's development.
  • Own a Commercial Land Plot. For the Elite group of 49 individual accounts that hold the 50 Commercial Land Plots, you also get 1 airdrop per plot held, starting in March. There are 50 Commercial Land Plots, therefore 150 Special, Limited Edition Psybercrates have been dropped to those accounts, representing ownership for March, April, and May.

So you can do the math to determine where you'd like to be to catch some of these special crates, 1,446 crates were earned in April alone through holding LVL. 50 were earned from Commercial Plot holdings. There are 4,645 crates remaining. Because the drop rate will drop from 2 per 200K LVL to 1 per 200K LVL from May on, you have a great chance of earning a crate or more via LVL holdings. For instance, if you purchased 400K LVL by the time the May snapshot is made and you had 0 at the time of the April snapshot, you would have a 200K LVL average, affording you 1 Special, Limited Edition Psybercrate. You can speculate. I cannot. Do your math. Determine what you want. There is only 50M LVL left in Phase 1. That's 10% of the total supply. The remaining 250M LVL is held for future game development for games that will use LVL and for Marketplace transactions and needs.

The drop rates for Special, Limited Edition Psybercrates are higher for the rarest classifications.

Airdropped Psybercrate Drop Rates:

ClassificationDrop Rates

  • *If on May 13, you believe we have erred in our calculations, you will need to reach out to us via our Discord group, leave a ticket with screenshots of holdings proving our numbers are incorrect. It is possible, though not likely.

  • **All accounts that hold LVL as a result of being an external investor or as an employee of Royal Reptile Studios have been exempted from receiving the Special, Limited Edition Psybercrates. Holding LVL is not considered an investment. Psyber-X was funded by investors and LVL was given to them as a side benefit. It is a game token.

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Line App Chat Invite

Only 10% of Phase 1 LVL Allocation is still available

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