#Carbon_emissions: The Story


Start with the basics,
The greenhouse effect is the natural process of how the sun warms the Earth’s surface. When greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, water vapor and trap the sun’s heat, they warm the average global temperature, causing a massive increase. This procedure is defined as global warming.
Carbon emissions are one type of greenhouse gas emission that happens when carbon dioxide enters the air after a human activity or process. They are the most significant type of emission in terms of quantity.
The main sources of these emissions are transportation, electricity production, industry, commercial and residential, agriculture, land use and forestry. The most important way that carbon emissions affect the planet is by causing climate change. As the average global temperature warms, our climate inherently changes. This warming causes extreme weather events like tropical storms, wildfires, severe droughts and heatwaves.
Human & Nature

A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases that are generated mainly by human actions.
The average carbon footprint for each person in the United States is 16 tons, one of the highest rates in the world when the average is closer to 4 tons.
When you drive your car, buy clothes and prepare your dinner, actually, you contribute to the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It’s about the carbon footprint. Many countries, institutions and companies have agreed to reduce emissions and be“carbon-neutral” by 2050.
Small daily changes can make a big long-term difference. Here are some tips:


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