Stop Blaming the Boomers

It really wasn't their fault.

The disgusting mess we're all forced to wallow in now was set up at the end of WWII. That's who really messed this world up. Those people established the Nuremberg (Boomer) Truth Regime. Things have been deteriorating fast since then, but let's look at who established the rules that we're all playing by right now.

World War II is what shaped our current world.

Systems were established before, during, and shortly after the war that have mostly been on autopilot since then. I have to pick an arbitrary date for this, so I'm going to pick 1947. That's when I'll say this system was mostly finalized. Bretton Woods was done, Nuremberg was done, new borders were drawn, and the brave new world was established. Sure, a lot of garbage came out in the 1960's and 1970's and every decade since, but it was 1947 when all this became a fait accompli.

So which generation was in charge in 1947?

I'm going to blame people who were between 40 and 80 years old in 1947. There are some exceptions, but generally nobody lets you be in charge of anything really important until you're in your 40's. Also, once people get past their 80th birthday, they can be useful for advice, but they aren't usually running things day to day.

An 80 year old in 1947 would have been born in 1867. A 40 year old in 1947 would have been born in 1907. According to Strauss and Howe via Wikipedia, these birth years include people from the Missionary Generation 1860-1882, Lost Generation 1883-1900, and G.I. Generation 1901-1924. Of those three, the Missionary Generation would have been the one most "in charge" of things at the end of WWII.

It is interesting to note that The Missionary Generation was the last generation of prophets before the Boomers, also a prophet generation. So if you weren't black pilled already, consider this: Once we have our big violent shakeout and a brave new world is ushered in around 2030, it will be a world largely planned by the Boomers. Ye gads! May Christ have mercy on all of us.

Don't blame the Boomers for this current world.

Blame the Boomers for the world that emerges in 2030.

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