ONECENT Report - Profits Update, News & Free Upvote - Zcash - Day 186 of 200

Firstly, the numbers: our total value is currently about 2803 STEEM (-21 STEEM), including 2266 STEEM within Steem Engine and a total of 19230 tokens in play. This gives ONECENT an ABV of about 14.57 STEEM cents (0.1457 STEEM), up on yesterday.


Notice that the tokens in play number has dropped very slightly. This is due to a few tokens being bought back from members. I shall keep those buybacks going for anybody who wishes to cash-out now. As there remains some risk in some tokens held, this price is slightly below our current ABV.

Thus, although the fund value has dropped this is not due to any losses but just that some tokens have been bought back and hence some money has gone out. Notice that the ABV has gone UP!

I also note that there has been a recent purchase. Although glad to see new interest, this fund will close in some 15 days and may, or may not, reach the current price-point of 16 cents. I think we should easily reach 15 cents, but beyond that it depends on the token prices of our remaining holdings.

Under 15 days left now. I have now started to unstake some of the TRDO tokens, so players will see slowly decreasing token rewards. This is so I can convert the funds into liquid steem ready for payouts at the end of the month.

Looking at the calendar, Day 200 will be on 31st January 2020 - assuming no unexpected downtime. So the final price will be set on the following day, 1st February.

Have a fine day!

Crypto News

Zcash Now Supports Anonymous Transactions on Smartphones

Meet the DC Advocacy Org Helping Put Blockchain on the US Military’s Radar

No mention of DARPA, who are doing the actual research.

Craig Wright: I've now got the keys to $8 billion worth of bitcoin

You just can't make this shit up!

Communist Party of China’s guide to digital currency gets a reprint

Proposed cash ban is not about controlling your money, says Reserve Bank

The Federal Government has said the measure is intended to fight the black economy, by stamping out tax evasion, money laundering and other crimes.

All activities done with impunity by multinationals.

The theory that the real motive behind the Federal Government's proposed cash ban is to create an Orwellian state that gives banks greater control over people's money — and authorities greater control over people's behaviour during recessions — is "far-fetched", according to the Reserve Bank.

They didnt say it was "wrong". Freedom is control.

Could This XRP Fork Transform Social Media? Big Data Analyst Considers the Possibilities

“If you make a post, maybe with a photo, the fee could be determined by the size of the post (storage requirement), and you could add to the fee to pay for a guaranteed lifetime. And every time people respond, share, or otherwise react, the lifetime will increase…

If fees are burned, posting content, the network would eventually die. Hence the fees in the network should be collected and redistributed – maybe to users based on account activity and nodes for storing content.”

Blockchain, IoT to Manage Climate Change
mmm... carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.
Carbon dioxide is not what causes lung diseases in smog-infested cities and agri-hazard landscapes.
What IoT will manage is you!

Crypto's 101 stupidest moments of 2019: October—December

ONECENT Freebies

Now, to some prizes!

That random player will also be added to our automatic-voter (if not already there) and to our new TRENDO tipping token comments.

So, our winner today is... @blueeyes8960 !

Note that the tip token lasts for at least 10 days and is subject to availability, as a maximum of 10 can be distributed per day. Also, any user who wins while already receiving bonuses will have their bonus period extended by a further 10 days; this can happen as there are not so many players left who are also still posting.

Also note that I shall be stopping these bonuses on Day 190 so that I can send our reminders to all members that cashing-out time approaches.


I hope you find the game interesting. Please post any questions or, better still, if you write any articles on the ONECENT experience, feel free to post a link in a comment.

Till tomorrow!

Building Steem's Fintech





Plus Some Serious Funtech

ONECENT: The First Strategic Token Investment Game (STIG)


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